December 28, 2010

Kome no Togijiru/米のとぎ汁

Like I said several times in my blog, kome no togijiru is the white milky water you get when you wash uncooked rice.

Tonight, I washed 5 go of rice to cook it next morning.


I make it a point to wash rice three times within three minutes.

This is the second wash.

If you want to use kome no togijiru to parboil daikon (and other foods such as bamboo shoots and gobo (burdock roots)), you are recommended to use the water after the second wash.

Actually, I washed the rice four times tonight and got this amount of kome no togijiru.

Kome no togijiru has other uses such as:
1. Washing dishes
2. Cleaning the wooden floor
3. Watering plants
4. Washing your face
1. 食器を洗う
2. フローリングを掃除する
3. 植物に水をやる
4. 洗顔する

Note that you have to buy regular rice, not non-wash rice, to get kome no togijiru.


  1. Interesting! I have used the rice water to cook daikon furofuki (sp?) daikon....but is it really necessary? Have you tried the other uses of rice water?

  2. David: I've never made a side-by-side comparison, so I can't give you an definitive answer. Opinions vary, but I think it is safe to say that parboiling daikon in water, whether it be tap water or rice water, is necessary because otherwise, the resulant dish would taste "daikon-y".

    I've tried using kome no togijiru to wash dishes, and I know it's effective. But, I've never washed my face with it, given it to plants, or cleaned the wooden floor with it. I guess I should try these uses because kome no togi jiru is said to be very nutrient.
