December 20, 2010

Tori Tsukune (Ground Chicken Ball) Nabe/鶏つくね鍋

I made tori tsukune (ground chicken ball) nabe for supper tonight.

I finely chopped two chicken breasts with my Shigefusa nakiri (because it cuts better than my Global santoku).

to which I added:
1 egg
1 finely chopped naga negi (Japanese scallion)
1 grated knob ginger
卵 1個
刻んだ長ネギ 1本
すったショウガ 1かけ

Donabe before the first use:

In the donabe, I put the following:
1,200 ml water
2 tsp instant dashi
1 tsp salt
1/3 daikon, peeled and cut into thin quarter-rounds
Chinese cabbage
Kuri take (previously boiled and frozen)
1 gobo (burdock root), whittled
水 1,200 ml
出汁の素 小さじ2
塩 小さじ1
皮をむき、銀杏切りした大根 1/3本、
ささがきしたゴボウ 1本

Then, I turned on the portable burner (called a "cassette konro" in Japanese).

When the donabe came to a boil, I asked my son to add the ground chicken one spoonful at a time.

Then, I added naga negi. I put on the lid and simmered for about one minute.

Around six in the evening, Three of us, my son, wife, and me, first started to have the nabe. We didn't bother to skim off the foam as we had it.

Today, my daughter came home rather late, around 7:40, so I had to reheat the nabe. By the time the contents of the donabe were gone, the foam had stuck on the inside.

I managed to clean the donabe with a sponge and diluted dishwashing detergent.


  1. Wow this looks delicious! Would this be a good dish for yuzukosho?

  2. Rose: It was delicious, although it may look so in the photos.

    Do you like yuzukosho? For this particular nabe, you are supposed to have the ingredients and the broth, and if you want to have the ingredients with yuzukosho, you may want to reduce the amounts of salt and instant dashi or leave them out altogether and use kombu instead.

  3. This is a very fine step by step explanation on how to make nabemono. Many fans of Japanese food who live abroad should appreciate this. Thanks.

  4. simon: Thank you, Ganko Jiji (laugh)!

    As you may know, tori tsukune nabe is just one example of the dishes called nabemono (or simply nabe). I will make more nabemono this winter, such as sukiyaki and "udon suki"!

  5. Heh, it's fun to recognize your nakiri. Just like *my* nakiri - that I purchased as a result of your post about shopping for knivess.

    That looks like a tasty dish.

  6. Bbq Dude: I can't resist showing off my precious knives from time to time (laugh). I hope you have found a good shop/person that can take good care of your nakiri. As for me, I have sharpened my nakiri and petty knives only once since I bought them, with my mediore whetstone.
    I will buy a good whetstone for professional use some day and post about it!

  7. Yes I like yuzukosho very much. Beside yakitori I am not sure what to use yuzukosho for. I love the flavor. It is a nice taste for winter don't you think?

  8. Rose: I'm not a big fan of yuzukosho. Yuzukosho used to be a local condiment in Kyushu, and I was not familiar with it when I was younger. Besides, I don't care much for spicy food.

  9. Hiroyuki,

    I haven't found someone to take care of my nakiri yet. My knife sharpener here in San Diego doesn't do Japanese knives. I may have to learn how to do it myself, or start heading up to Los Angeles more often...
