February 25, 2011

Enoki Koori (Enoki Ice), Continued/えのき氷、続き

This post is continued from the February 17, 2011 post.
February 17, 2011の投稿の続きです。

For lunch today, I had some leftover curry with some of the enoki koori.

To properly make enoki koori, the three steps are required:
1. Processing in a blender
2. Simmering for one hour*
3. Freezing for breaking the cell walls

Enoki koori has been invented to facilitate the intake of mushroom chitosan, which has the effect of suppressing the accumulation of fat in the organs and blood. Enoki contains the most mushroom chitosan of all mushrooms, but for the substance to be effective in your body, you have to eat 100 g enoki per day.

* Simmering causes the protein to go away, but keeps intact the mushroom chitosan, which is a type of carbohydrate.

1. ミキサーで砕く
2. 1時間煮込む*
3. 細胞壁を壊すため冷凍する

えのき氷は、臓器や血液への脂肪の蓄積を抑制する効果のある、きのこチトサンの摂取を簡単にするために発明されました。えのきはすべてのきのこの中で最も多くきのこチトサンを含みます。しかし、体の中でこの物質が効果を発揮するには、一日にえのきを100 gも食べる必要があります。

* 煮込むとタンパク質はなくなりますが、糖質の一種であるきのこチトサンは残ります。

I have no idea if my enoki koori, which was not made in a proper way, has the same effect as properly made enoki koori, but I can say that my way is very easy, and will help you consume enoki in large quantities.


  1. dear Hiroyuki-san
    does Enoki Koori taste delicious or is it used for health issues only?
    Sometimes I use Enoki (expensive..) because they look nice and decorative in dishes or the recipe calls for them, but I would never expect much intense flavour.
    Tomorrow I will join a japanese wagashi baking and cooking (mochi) course. I am quite thrilled and my collegues also, they would like to taste some japanese sweets on upcoming mondays coffee break.

  2. kiki: I can't talk about authentic enoki koori, but my enoki koori does not have any strong flavor, and that's why it can be added to any dish you like. As I implied in the post, enoki koori is a great source of mushroon chitosan.

    Enoki is loved by many exactly because it lacks any intense flavor. It is loved for its crisp texture and some sliminess. As you may know, the Japanese people love slimy foods!

    Baking and cooking course? That sounds really exciting!

  3. Hi Hiroyuki,

    Do you mix the enoki koori with your meal, or do you eat it separately on the side (like it looks in your picture)? This sounds like a very interesting experiment!

  4. YSC: As I wrote in the first post on enoki koori, it is supposed to be added to miso soup, simmered dishes, curry, stir-fries, tempura batter, and so on. I wanted to see what the curry would taste with and without it, so I didn't mix it with the curry.
