March 23, 2011

Follow-up on the Soy Milk Maker/豆乳メーカーのその後

Since I got the soy milk maker, I have used it on a regular basis, and I have made some improvements along the way.

I no longer use the supplied measuring cup, which is not properly calibrated, and I use this measuring cup instead, which I previously bought at the 100-yen shop.

A little more than 200 ml, which is 220 - 85 (weight of the cup) = 135 g
200 mlより少し多い。200 - 85(計量カップの重さ) = 135 gです。

I usually use 120-125 g soy beans with 1,200 ml water, which makes the water level a little lower than the lower limit on the pot.
通常は、120~125 gの大豆と1,200 mlの水を使っています。水位はポットの下限線よりちょっと下になります。

I drew some lines on the container, together with their corresponding volumes, so that I can tell how much soy milk I got. This time, I got about 900 ml soy milk and this amount of very soy-milky okara (soy pulp).
容器には、線とそれに対応する量を描きました。これで、豆乳がどのくらいできたか分ります。今回は、豆乳が900 ml、そして豆乳をいっぱい含んだおからがこれだけできました。

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