March 24, 2011

My Award-Winning Recipe for Okonomiyaki/受賞したお好み焼きレシピー

I did it again! I have received an "award for excellence" in the "Recipe Contest", conducted by the Uonuma Kinoko and Sansai Promotion Association.


Recipe title: Okonomiyaki with three types of mushroom

Ingredients for 4 servings

1. 200 g enoki
2. 6 small shiitake
3. 3 or 4 leaves cabbage
The total weight of 1 to 3 should be 400 g.

100 ml tenkasu (crunchy bits of deep-fried tempura batter)
100 ml sakura ebi (shrimp)
4 eggs

200 g low-gluten flour (hakurikiko)
1 tbsp baking powder
200 ml water
50 ml milk
1/2 tsp instant dashi

1 bag eryngii (substitute for thinly sliced pork)

Okonomiyaki sauce
Ao nori
Beni shoga

1. Finely chop enoki, and put in a blender. Add water and milk, and process.
2. Finely chop shiitake. Remove dirt from stems, and finely chop them. (Don't just throw them away!)
3. Cut eryngii thinly lengthwise. 4 slices are required per okonomiyaki, 16 in total for 4 okonomiyaki.
4. Coarsely cut cabbage into 1-cm squares.
5. Sift 200 g flour, and put in a bowl. Add baking powder and instant dashi.
6. Add processed enoki to the bowl in 4. in 3 parts, mixing well each time.
7. Add shiitake, cabbage, eggs, tenkasu, and sakura ebi to the bowl, and mix well.
8. Put a small amount of oil in a 18-cm diameter frying pan, put on the stove, and put 1/4 of the contents of the bowl.
9. Place 4 slices of eryngii on top.
10. Cook with the lid on for 2 min.
11. Flip and cook with the lid on for 2 min.
12. Flip and cook without the lid for 2 min.
13. Flip again and cook without the lid for 2 min.
14. Transfer to a plate, and cut into appropriate size.
Repeat steps 8 to 14.
15. Let each diner place their favorite toppings (such as aonori, katsuobushi, beni shoga, okonomiyaki sauce, ketchup, and mayonnaise).

Cooking time: 30-40 min.
You can shorten the time by using two frying pans to make two at the same time.

Inspired by "enoki koori", I processed enoki into pulp in a blender and used it instead of yama imo (lit. mountain potato). Partly due to the effect of the baking powder, the okonomiyaki turned out soft and delicious.
I used 18-cm frying pans so that the okonomiyaki could be made into a size of "16.4 cm in diameter and 1.9 cm in thickness", which was declared as an ideal size for okonomiyaki in a TV show. You can make decent okonomiyaki even if you don't have a hot plate!
If you think that eryngii alone is not enough, place some pork, too.
You may want to finely chop enoki instead of processing in a blender. When I made it for the first time, I didn't process enoki in a blender, but no one noticed that there was enoki in the okonomiyaki.
When you flip okonomiyaki, you may find it difficult to do so with a turner. If so, you may want to hold a plate in your right hand and the frying pan in your left, transfer the okonomiyaki by sliding it without flipping it, and then return the okonomiyaki to the frying pan quickly by flipping it this time.
Note: Chinese cabbage was sold cheap, so I used it instead of cabbage this time! Be flexible in cooking!

レシピタイトル 3種のきのこのお好み焼き
材料・分量 (4人前)
1.えのき 1袋(200g)
2.シイタケ 1パック(小6個)
3.キャベツ 3、4枚

天カス 100 ml
桜えび 100 ml
卵 4個

薄力粉 200g
ベーキングパウダー 大さじ1
水 200 ml
牛乳 50 ml
出汁の素 小さじ1/2

エリンギ(薄切り豚肉の代わり) 1袋

作り方 1.えのきを細かく刻み、ミキサーに入れる。水、牛乳を入れ、ミキサーをかける。
料理時間 30~40分。フライパンを2つ用意して、同時に焼くと、時間を短縮できる。
コメント 「えのき氷」をヒントに、山芋の代わりに、えのきをミキサーにかけて、ドロドロにして、使いました。ベーキングパウダーの効果もあり、柔らかく、美味しくできました。
注: 今回は、白菜が安く売っていたので、キャベツの代わりに使いました!料理は臨機応変に!

Other photos:


  1. おめでとう ございます。
    I tried to make it from scratch but often falls apart because I am missing a 'sticky' ingredient. There is fresh yamaimo but it usually come in a big piece which I can't finish it all. Ideally I would like to get some 山芋粉, but I can't find any。 A Japanese chef once told me to try grated potato but that didn't work. So I always end up buying the Okonomiyaki Mix. Maybe I'll give the enoki koori a try!

  2. Congratulations!!! Looks very yummy indead.

  3. That looks delicious, I can see why your recipe won! Well done Hiroyuki san, many congratulations on your award!

  4. okasan, Kiki, Jan: Thank you all for your compliment!

    okasan, I'm like you. I usually buy okonomiyaki mix, and it's good enough.

    Can you guess what I'm up to next? Okara okonomiyaki, naturally!

  5. Congratulations, and thanks for sharing your award-winning recipe! I love love love okonomiyaki and made it once to reasonable success. Will try your recipe next time!

  6. Hi Hiroyuki, that okonomiyaki looks so delicious, it's making me hungry! Congratulations for winning the contest!

  7. clotilde and YSC: Thanks for your compliment!
    clotide, how about truffle okonomiyaki!? (laugh). Just kidding!

  8. CrisisMaven: The people in Tokyo and other Kanto areas are dealing with the situtation calmly without panicking, and they can get accurate information from the media.

  9. すごーい!おめでとうございます。このブログの事は最近他のブロガーで知りました、お祝いが遅くなりました。美味しそう!早速作ってみたいです。

  10. Nippon Nin: えのきは少しネバネバしてるので、山芋の代わりにいいですよ。
    Nippon Ninさんのブログには、Sissiさんのブログから訪問したことがあります!

  11. Hi, I just wanted to say that I am in love with the basic dough of that recipe. We leave out the tenkasu and the sakura ebi (I've seen tenkasu at my japanese grocer's, but no sakura ebi so far, and my husband doesn't eat fish nor meat), and it is not crumbly at all, but juicy and delicious. Thank you so much!

  12. Katrin: Thank *you* for trying my recipe!

  13. You're welcome :) May I use my modified version of your recipe in my blog-to-be? I would like to put a link to your original version as well. By the way, the last time we made okonomiyaki we found out that the cat likes katsuobushi, although she normally doesn't eat anything that we humans eat.

  14. Katrin: Of course, you may! And, I'd like to see your version!

    Yes, in Japan, cats are known to like fish and products made from fish!
