March 9, 2011

Oboro Dofu/おぼろ豆腐

For lunch today, I made my first attempt to make oboro dofu (< tofu) using home-made soy milk. "Oboro" means haze, as in "oboro zuki yo" (a night with a hazy moon).

Oboro dofu is a poetic name for fluffy bits of curdled soy milk in a pot. If you get the bits of soy milk together, you will get yose dofu (yose < yoseru (to get together)); if you ladle them in a bowl or tub, you will get kumi dofu (kumi < kumu (to ladle)); and if you put them in a sieve, you will get zaru dofu (zaru = sieve). If put in a mold with holes, with cotton cloth in it, to drain, oboro dofu will turn into momen (cotton) dofu.

Two days ago, I bought a bag of 1-kg locally grown soybeans for 1,000 yen.

I used 100 g of them.
100 g使いました。

And, I put 1,000 ml of water in the pot. Almost 2 cm lower than the lower limit. To make tofu, you need soy milk with a soybean solid content of at least 8%, preferably 10-12%.
そして、ポットには水を1,000 ml入れました。下限線より2センチ近く下です。豆腐を作るには、大豆固形分が少なくとも8%、できれば10~12%の豆乳が必要です。

Soy milk was done.

This is the nigari (bittern) I used.

Use 1% nigari to make tofu? But, it is by weight or by volume??
I relied on the instruction manual supplied with the soy milk maker: 2.5 g nigari for 1,000 ml soy milk. Dissolve the nigari in 50 ml water.
I reheated the soy milk to 75C. According to several sites, a temperature of 70 to 75C should be fine.
豆乳メーカーの取扱説明書に頼りました。豆乳1,000 mlに対してにがり2.5 g。にがりを50 mlの水に溶かす。

I added almost all the nigari solution, and then stirred very gently.

Two or three minutes passed, but the soy milk showed no signs of being curdled. I was a little upset, and made some more nigari solution, and added it. The soy milk was curdled immediately.


I'm not very happy with the results.

To be continued.


  1. When I used that brand of nigari, I ended up using a lot to get the results I wanted. I think it was 15ml worth for firm tofu when I started with 200g soybeans. I don't use a soy milk maker, but here is my blog:

    Good luck on your next batch.

  2. Dear Hiroyuki-san,

    I use 1.5 l soy milk and 10 g Nigari (liquid solution as displayed, not the same product). The mixture has to rest at least 15 minutes after adding nigari - still kept warm.
    Maybe this will help. For a firmer tofu I use a special wooden tofu mold.

  3. Kelly: Thanks for the link. Making tofu from scratch! That's quite amazing!

    I think I used about 5 ml nigari (undiluted type) for 100 g soy beans.

    My next batch? I hope I can demonstrate to my children how to make oboro dofu.

    I have another plan: Making okara ice cream!

  4. Kiki: Maybe I should have waited longer before I added additional nigari. When I made oboro dofu from store-bought soy milk, it coagulated much faster, if I remember correctly.

    Thanks for the link. I have a plastic mold, supplied with the soy milk maker, but I don't think I'll make firm (I mean, momen) tofu, partly because freshly made store bought tofu is cheap (38 yen per 300 g pack).
