April 12, 2011

Hanjuku Cheese/半熟チーズ

This is my very first attempt to make hanjuku cheese.
(Hanjuku literally means half-boiled.)


200 g cream cheese
150 ml soy milk
3 eggs
80 g sugar
50 g hakurikiko (low-gluten wheat flour)

You will need an electric whisk.

1. Separate yolks and whites of eggs into two bowls.
2. In the bowl containing whites, add 40 g sugar, and make meringe.
3. In the bowl containing yolks, add 40 g sugar, and whisk well.
4. Cut cream cheese into small pieces, microwave for 30-40 sec. to soften, add to the bowl mentioned in 3., and whisk well.
Edited to add on June 13, 2015: Add milk little by little in this step.
5. Sift flour, add to the bowl, and mix well.
6. Add meringe to the bowl, and mix lightly.
7. Transfer the contents of the bowl into cups.



クリームチーズ 200 g
豆乳 150 ml
卵 3個
砂糖 80 g
薄力粉 50 g


1. 卵を黄身と白身に分けて、それぞれボールに入れます。
2. 白身の入ったボールに砂糖を40 g入れ、メレンゲを作ります。
3. 黄身の入ったボールに砂糖を40 g入れ、泡だて器でよく混ぜます。
4. クリームチーズを小さく切り、電子レンジで30~40秒温め、柔らかくし、3.のボールに入れ、泡だて器でよく混ぜます。
2015年6/13追記: ここで牛乳を少しずつ入れます。
5. 薄力粉をふるい、ボールに入れ、よく混ぜます。
6. ボールにメレンゲを入れ、軽く混ぜます。
7. ボールの中身をカップにあけます。

I transferred about 1/3 of the contents into six aluminum foil cups, and baked them in my 1000-W toaster oven for 11 min. in total.

3 minutes later.

I placed a sheet of aluminum foil on top to prevent them from scorching.


The texture was about right.

I transferred another 1/3 into a frying pan, and put on the lid. Later, I flipped it. I did the same with the remaining 1/3.

Pan-fried version:

Both the baked and pan-fried versions tasted very good for the first attempt.

For better photos of hanjuku cheese, click here.


The original recipe (Japanese only) says to put boiling water in the tray, and bake for 60 min. at 150C.

元のレシピー (Japanese only)では、鉄板に沸かした湯を張り、150℃で60分焼く、と書かれています。

Ingredients of the original recipe (for a 18-cm round mold):
200 g cream cheese
200 ml milk
4 yolks
30 g granulated sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice
4 whites
50 g granulated sugar
30 g hakurikiko (low-gluten flour)
20 g corn starch

クリームチーズ 200g
牛乳 200ml
卵黄 4個
グラニュー糖 30g
レモン汁 大1
卵白 4個
グラニュー糖 50g
薄力粉 30g
コーンスターチ 20g


  1. Hiroyuki,

    How do you serve this? It seems like it might be a dessert or an appetizer. Do you serve it alone? Or with something? It looks and sounds tasty...

  2. Bbq Dude: "Hanjuku cheesecake" (or simply "hanjuku cheese") is a confection, just like rare cheesecake and baked cheesecake. There are no rules as to how to serve it, but I would serve it alone, with a cup of coffee or something. As you may know, rare cheesecake is often served with fruit sauce such as blueberry sauce.

    Hanjuku cheese is tasty, and I like the soft texture.

  3. I just ate it and was deeply in love with the soft texture and the rich taste of the cheese..Gonna try this recipe, thx ^.^

  4. Anonymous: Thank you for reminding me of this recipe. Store-bought hanjuku cheese is tasty, but home-made is tastier!

  5. When did you add the milk? It wasn't mentioned in your recipe

  6. Hui Teng Soh: Thanks for your comments and for pointing out the mistake. Unfortunately, the original recipe is gone, and I just can't remember when I actually added the milk. I checked other hanjuku cheesecake recipes on the Internet, but I can't say for sure when to add the milk. Reading through other recipes, however, I think that the milk should be added in step 4.
    I will make the correction in the post soon.
    Thanks again for informing me.
