April 21, 2011

Restaurant Yukiguni/レストラン雪国

For my son's birthday, my family went to Restaurant Yukiguni (Japanese only), directly run by YUKIGUNI MAITAKE Co., Ltd. (company that produces maitake mushrooms and moyashi (bean sprouts), among others).
I had long wanted to visit this place because their portion sizes are big according to reviews in Tabelog (Japanese only). Besides, I was interested in their "Yukiguni moyashi tempura", which I happened to learn from a TV program.

My daughter ordered cream spaghetti.

My son ordered maitake don (donburi with maitake tempura).

My wife and I each ordered their most popular meal: Kinoko jiru teishoku (set meal with mushroom soup, chicken karaage, maitake fry, salad, and pickle).

The amount of mushroom soup is incredible!

This is Yukiguni moyashi tempura.

Each moyashi is coated and deep-fried individually.

As you can see, the dish actually served contains more moyashi tempura than in the photo on the menu! Just incredible!

The four of us shared two cakes.

Rare cheesecake:

Apple and sweet potato pie:

At first glance, I thought the cheesecake was crust-less, but I was wrong.

The four of us were unable to finish off the one serving of moyashi tempura, so I asked the server if I could bring the rest home. She kindly gave me a plastic container, a rubber band, and a plastic bag.

Very satisfying meal! We were all full!


  1. The whole meal looks beautiful and scrumptious, but moyashi tempura is a hit! I would love so much to try making it, but, on the other hand, maybe starting my first tempura this way is a bit too ambitious ;-) ). Dipping the sprouts in tempura mix separately looks like a lot of work...

  2. Sissi: According to this page of the official website of Yukiguni Maitake
    (Japanese only)
    you first add moyashi to batter and then put them in oil one by one with a hand, as follows:

    For 4 servings:
    200 g moyashi
    1 cup (= 200 ml) tempura mix
    Appropriate amount of salt
    Appropriate amoutn of ao nori (a type of seaweed)

    1. Dust moyashi with 1 tbsp tempura mix.
    2. Mix tempura mix with cold water to make thin batter.
    * Making a thin batter is the key.
    3. Add moyashi to batter.
    Put moyashi to oil heated to 170-180C, one at a time quickly with a hand.
    * To prevent moyashi from sticking together, stir quickly with chopsticks.
    4. Sprinkle with salt and ao nori to taste.

    If you find the recipe too hard to follow, why not just make moyashi kakiage instead?

  3. Hiroyuki, thank you so much for having taken the trouble to translate and post this detailed recipe. I am very grateful. I copy it and tomorrow will try this weekend to buy some bean sprouts on the market (I have tempura mix, but was always worried to use it...). Too late to look for ao nori though (the Japanese grocers have closed for Easter), but maybe I'll find a substitute in my kitchen.
    Kakiage looks easier indeed; a great way to cheer me up if the above doesn't work for the first time...
    Thank you once more for both ideas.

  4. Encouraged by your kind translation of the recipe and looking at your yummy bean sprouts tempura photos, I have finally decided to try tempura. I spent a lot of time adjusting the batter thickness and lumps were -and still are - really difficult to achieve. Bean sprouts were a complete failure, but asparagus worked quite well... I don't think my asparagus tempura was as it should have been, but it was beautiful, crunchy and delicious. I have put a photo on my blog; you can judge how far I was from what tempura should look like (http://www.withaglass.com/?p=4779). I have already made it twice. Thank you for the encouragement, I feel like experimenting with more ingredients very soon!

  5. Siss: I checked your blog before you informed me, and found a photo of asparagus tempura. You seem to have done a very good job! Congratulations!

    If you want to view images of aspragus, just do an google image search for アスパラガスの天ぷら.

    As I said previously, I will post about tempura when I have more free time, using hakurikiko (low-gluten flour).

  6. Thank you, Hiroyuki. I am very happy you approve of my tempura. I have bought two bunches of asparagus on Saturday market and will make more tempura tonight! Afterwards I'll try with other ingredients, but now I try to profit from the asparagus season.
    Low-gluten flour sounds very intriguing...

  7. Sissi: As for me, I'm thinking of making fukinoto tempura, "imo ten" (sweet potato tempura), kakiage, and prawn tempura.

    By "low-gluten flour", I simply mean one of the three types of flour commonly sold in Japan that has a gluten content of 6.5 to 9.0%. In Japanese, it's called hakurikiko. In English, it's called soft flour, weak flour, cake flour, or cookie flour, right?

  8. Thank you, Hiroyuki, I thought it was some kind of special flour...
    I'm looking forward to read about your tempura!
