May 28, 2011

Shinya Shokudo/深夜食堂

I bought all seven volumes of the Shinya Shokudo manga book, which contains 99 episodes in total.

The good news (at least for me) is that in contrast to the sad ending of episode 7 of the TV drama version, in the original manga version, the entertainer and the newspaper delivery guy got back together again after the entertainer divorced the president of an IT company one year later.
In episode 1 of the TV drama version, Kosuzu-san has an unrequited love for the yakuza, but in the manga version, things are a little different. Sometimes the yakuza ordered weenies and waited for Kosuzu-san to come.
The yakuza's memories of red weenies date back to his high school days, when he played baseball. The manager of his baseball club gave him a bento box full of red weenies.
Unlike in episode 6 of the TV drama version, in the manga version, Master asks the boxer, "Why don't I treat you to katsudon?", and the boxer replies, "Could you make it oyakodon?"
Kosuzu-san's memories of tamago-yaki date back to his young days, when Kou-chan, an employee of the gay bar where he worked, used to make tamago-yaki for him.
Kou-chan is already dead, but his grand-son, who looks very much like him, comes to see him and makes him happy.

To be continued.


  1. Hiroyuki, what a pleasure to read about Shinya Shokudo and to see the manga photos (even though I don't understand anything). Thank you for the explantion of the differences between the manga and the film. I would love so much someone to translate them into English! I am looking forward to read your next Shinya Shokudo posts. It was an excellent idea!

  2. Sissi: Thanks for your compliment.
    I'm going to talk about tonjiru and other topics in the next post. There is so much to talk about Shinya Shokudo!

  3. Hiroyuki: Will you please tell us something about the dishes referenced in the managas? I wonder if there are 99 different kinds of dishes referenced and made by master in his small canteen.

  4. Kiki: OK, I will list the titles of all 99 episodes in the near future. (I myself thought it might be a good idea.)

  5. I've found raw scans of Shinya Shokudo manga volume 1~5, but can't find another 2 volumes...orz

    I'd like to read it later!(笑)

  6. fred: But don't you think you are lucky? You only need to buy two instead of seven!

  7. I just lucky to find these 5!(笑)

  8. somehow, I just ended up watching the drama and not yet reading the manga
    (you know, watching drama just easier to understand rather than reading itself)笑

  9. fred: I know what you mean. In the manga book, each episode is only ten pages long, while in the TV drama, it is 30 minutes long. But there are only ten episodes of the TV drama, and you will want to read all the episodes of the manga sooner or later.
    My daughter says she prefers the manga version. She says she likes the way each character is drawn. And, she has already had neko manma three times for breakfast since she watched eppisode 1 of the TV drama.

  10. Yeah, after watched first 3 episodes makes me curious about all the rest chapters from manga version that not included in the drama...

  11. Nekomanma or "cat rice" seems pretty common term for simple yet cheap meal. Here in Indonesia, cat rice also popular with same term "nasi kucing".

    Also, please talk about ochazuke later! looks delicious...(笑)

  12. fred: As someone says in the drama, neko manma (or neko meshi) means rice with katsuobushi and soy sauce in some parts of Japan, and rice with miso soup in others.

    As you may know, manma (baby word) = meshi = gohan = cooked rice (or meal or food in general)

    Ochazuke? OK, I will, but I realy don't have much to talk about it.

  13. I want to try nekomanma for real; but katsuobushi just really expensive- I remember 500gr(shaved) for around 3000 yen(!?).
    And I can say it would be waste, since it won't be used in my daily cooking and also I've used hondashi instead (it's instant!).

    Until now, I've tried butter rice with mahou furikake (I made it dry) as light meal... It was really easy to made, yet delicious!
    Maybe I should upload photo later! w

  14. fred: I think no one except professional cooks will buy 500 g of katsuobushi at once. Here in Japan, small packs each containing 3-5 g shaved katsuobushi are very popular.

    3000 yen for 500g katsuobushi shoudn't be too expensive by Japanese standards!

  15. oh, really? sadly no small packages sold here :(

    also, it's named "hana katsuobushi"(smoked, I assume). Is it different?

  16. fred: Probably the same as hana katsuo, which is a generic term for shaved katsuobushi.
    And, yes, katsuboshi is smoked.

    Do you remember episodes 9 and 10 of the TV drama, Osen? The theme of the episodes is honkarebushi (matured katsuobushi). Cheap ones (arabushi) are simply smoked.

  17. I see...

    Just curious, is it really essential to have katsuobushi for your daily cooking? in spite it just for topping or garnish anyway.

    But sorry, I haven't watch Osen drama, so I don't know at all...orz

  18. fred: I can't speak for other Japanese, but my family needs katsuobushi for ohitashi, okonomiyaki, Japanese-style spaghetti, and others. I wouldn't say it's essential, but without it, I would feel that there is something missing in the dish.

  19. Perhaps, I shouldn't have any hesitation to buy it anyway!
    It would be very useful though...

    thanks, Hiroさん!

  20. fred: If you ever buy that 3000-yen hana katsuobushi and open the bag, keep it well sealed and put in the freezer!

  21. I wish I could read Japanese because the only English translated version of Shinya Shokudou is Volume 1.

  22. Jules: I hope that other volumes will be translated soon!

  23. I'm learning Japanese now! Hopefully someday I'll be able to read them (although I still hope that they'll be translated because a lot of times the Translator's Note really help clear up some cultural insight).

  24. Hello, Hiroyuki. Great blog. I love to cook, and also like Japanese food, so I think I can learn quite a bit from your blog.

    I have been watching Shinya Shokudo on Netflix and want to get the manga set. The Japanese version is fine. Any recommendations?

  25. steve,

    Thank you for your comment, but sorry, I really don't have any recommendations...

  26. Hi. Really liked this post on Shinya Shokudo.The cover and the art looks amazing.Where can I buy online?
