June 27, 2011

Inari Zushi and Temaki Zushi/稲荷寿司と手巻き寿司

For supper tonight, I made two types of sushi, inari zushi and temaki zushi. As usual, don't expect to see a fabulous dinner in my blog.
In fact, I often make these types of sushi because I want to use up leftover rice, and tonight's supper was no exception.

Like I previously said, I use this particular brand of seasoned abura age.
All my family agree that this brand tastes the best. Needless to say, we have no affiliation with the manufacturer.

I made three types of temaki:
1. Canned tuna + Mayonnaise
2. Fake crab meat stick + Cucumber nukazuke stick + Chopped umeboshi + Shiso (perilla)
1. ツナの缶詰+マヨネーズ
2. かにかま+スティック状に切ったきゅうりのぬか漬け+刻んだ梅干+シソ
3. Atsuyaki tamago
3. 厚焼き玉子
Inari zushi is still a favorite of my daughter's.
No raw fish for tonight's supper!


  1. Hiroyuki, tonight I can make both of your temaki fillings! I have all the ingredients (apart from the pickled cucumber, but I have the fresh one). They look delicious and I can assure you all your dinners look very interesting fabulous :-)
    The mayonnaise and canned tuna is the most frequent filling for my maki rolls (I often add also a bit of the Korean gochujang if I want it hot) and I have always thought it's a European invention...
    I have never had inari sushi... I must buy it once to see if I like it!

  2. Sissi: I don't know which invented the combination first, but "tuna-mayo" onigiri (rice balls) are one of the most favored onigiri sold in convini (convenience stores) in Japan, together with the ones with salmon, mentaiko (spicy cod roe), umeboshi, kombu, and okaka (dried bonito shavings + soy sauce) fillings.

  3. I am sure it doesn't come from Western countries, but we have sometimes this stupid idea that when something is not "exotic" or difficult to get or raw fish, it can't be genuinely Japanese ;-) People don't want to believe the Japanese are very creative with food and open to influences (it is what I observe at distance looking at your blog and other Japanese bloggers' websites).
    I also make onigiri often with tuna and mayonaise, I must post them one day when they look nice enough to be photographed.
    By the way, it's so hot here, I had to put nukadoko into the fridge, I checked the temperature as you advised and it had 28°C... The smell was a bit different, I hope I haven't ruined it. We shall see. I have also kept the konbu too long, first it tasted great and the following day it was not good... Anyway, thank you for all the help and instructions. I enjoy this way of pickling very much!

  4. Sissi: We are very receptive to other cultures, but we can be very insular at times...

    I'd like to see your onigiri. They must be very creative!

    You have made a wise decision about your nukadoko. I keep my nukadoko in the vegetable compartment of the fridge these days because the room temperature is around 30C.
