July 29, 2011

For Those Who Are Interested in Itadori Jam and Itadori Drink/イタドリジャムとイタドリジュースに興味のある方へ

In May, I was planning to make itadori jam, as well as itadori drink (inspired by Sissi's Rhubarb Soft Drink). I almost made the former, but I gave up the attempt before adding sugar. Reason: I tasted a few slices of boiled itadori, I was sure I could never like the itadori flavor even if I added sugar.

For those who are interested in making itadori jam, go to the first post linked to above, and for those who are interested in making itadori drink, first click here, which explains how to make it in Japanese, with photos.
Here's a brief description of how to make it:

1. Wash itadori stems and leaves.
You don't have to peel the skin from the stems.
2. Cut into appropriate size and put in a juicer.
3. Put the liquid into a container.
The liquid is separated into a pink part (top) and a green part (bottom).
4. Transfer the pink part into a bottle. Freeze for storage.

To drink, completely thaw and mix with water and honey.

The site says that itadori drink is effective in relieving fatigue.

5月、イタドリジャムとイタドリジュース(Sissi'さんのRhubarb Soft Drinkからヒントを得て)を作ろうと計画していました。イタドリジャムを作る寸前だったのですが、砂糖を入れる前に諦めました。理由は、茹でたイタドリを少し味見したのですが、砂糖を入れても、絶対好きになれないと確信したからです。



1. イタドリの茎と葉を洗う。
2. 適当な大きさに切って、ジューサーに入れる。
3. 液体を容器に入れる。
4. ピンクの部分を瓶に入れる。保存するには冷凍する。



Apologies to tama Matsuoka and Sissi.
tama MatsuokaさんとSissiさんにお詫びします。

These photos were taken on May 20.


  1. Thank you, Hiroyuki for the link to my blog! I am so sorry you can't get rhubarb in Japan and that itadori version wasn't good... On the other hand I have no means to taste itadori here, so as usually we would like to taste what we don't have.
    I have no idea how itadori tastes, but the same soft drink I made with rhubarb is very good with sour fruits, such as sour cherries or red currants or other fruits I don't know and maybe are typical in Japan. (Maybe ume???) The idea is a refreshing and only slightly sweet drink.
    Itadori jam sounds very intriguing!

  2. I would have forgotten, I was wondering if in your Japanese text I could find Sissi written in hiragana... I have just checked in my hiragana table and suppose I was wrong ;-)
    I have my first Japanese lesson on Sunday, so I am very motivated and excited!

  3. We had lots of japanese knotweed in our backyard as we lived in a flat in the capital. It is called invasive weed and has to be wiped out no matter what (they tried everything from poisoning to digging, even cooking the soil with hot damp). Nobody knows you actually can eat it. But if it doesn't taste yummy there is no hope. I will look out for the next wild grown weed patch and just try it. Than I am going to write an article in our local newspaper, people will be amazed for sure.

    To Sissi: スイスイ ですね (maybe)
    わたしは キキ (laugh)
    Don't look for Hiragana, foreign names are written in Katakana.

  4. Sissi: Just take a look at this photo:
    (Scroll down to view it.)
    Isn't it appetizing?
    As this blogger says, there is a store-bought version:

    So, there *are* people who like the flavor of itadori. And, as I said somewhere, itadori is very, very popular in Tochi prefecture.

    Maybe I should buy some itadori jam from an online source to see what it tastes like...

  5. Kiki: I hope you try itadori jam and/or itadori drink if you think you can like the flavor!

    We don't have the si sound in Japanese, and スイスイ is suisui. Sissi should be spelled スィスィ. Alternatively, some elderly people may spell it シシ (shishi).

    As you may know, we don't have the di sound, either, so disk is usually spelled ディスク, but some elderly people may spell it デスク.

  6. Or, シスィ
    I still think that スィスィ is the best of all.

  7. Thank you so much Hiroyuki and Kiki! I think I will try to remember how to write the last Hiroyuki's proposition (the easiest for me!). Katakana looks much much more difficult than Hiragana.
    Hiroyuki, the photo looks exactly like rhubarb soft drink!!!!! Beautiful! Thanks to Kiki now I know I can find it somewhere (I suppose the plants in Switzerland are more or less the same). I had no idea!

  8. Sissi and Kiki: Be (probably) the first Westerner to make itadori jam and drink (laugh)!

    In a previous comment, I made a stupid mistake: Not Tochi but Kochi 高知 prefecture.
