November 17, 2011

Oden, Again/再び、おでん

I have already posted about my oden in my blog several times, for example here and here, but Episode 5 of Volume 1 of Shinya Shokudo has made me want to post about it again.

Episode 5: (Oden) With gyusuji (beef tendon), daikon, and eggs
第5話: 牛すじ大根玉子入り(おでん)
Master says, "I have decided that my oden contains three ingredients: beef tendon, daikon, and boiled eggs." "It would be cumbersome to prepare various ingredients, and besides, I like them."

I laughed when I first read this episode, because his idea is almost the same as mine; only the ingredients are different.

My favorite oden ingredients include: daikon, boiled egg, and chikuwabu (tube made from wheat flour) and tsumire (balls of minced sardine).

My wife said she wanted to have gan modoki (deep-fried tofu mixed with thinly sliced vegetables), so tonight's oden looks like this:
No chikuwabu this time, because I'm on a diet! And, tonight's oden contains konnyaku.


  1. I like the ingredients, that's very simple and even easier to prepare than the usual oden. The last time my wife made oden, we had boiled eggs, chikuwaba, ganmodoki, and shirataki. I must have gorged myself silly on it!

  2. Ruminating Roy: So, you can get chikuwabu where you live? I'm glad to hear that because it's mainly a Kanto thing. You usually can't find it in oden in Kansai. Gyusuji (beef tendon) is just the opposite. It's a Kansai thing, so I wonder why Master wants to put it in his oden.

  3. We live in Texas in the U.S.A. There's a large population of Japanese and Korean people who marry U.S. soldiers and move here, and so there are lots of grocery stores which sell some of the less-expensive brands of Japanese goods.

    The Shirakiku brand has a small frozen oden package which one shop stocks every winter, it almost always has a few chikuwaba and ganmodoki on it.

    Gyusuji is mostly used here to make broths or served in the Vietnamese and Chinese restaurants, but even with their flavorings I love it!

  4. 今日は零下19度、ちょっと寒いですから、おでんを作ろうと思っています。偶然!
    Winter has arrived and with -19 Celsius temperature outside nabemono came to my mind. Tonight, I was just planning an Oden Party with some of my Japanese friends. We are trying to do a semi-pot luck style Oden. Each person will contribute an item to put in the broth. I will be using your method as my guide since I've never made or tried Oden before. I'll prepare the broth, daikon 大根and yudetamago ゆで卵 since these items need to cook a little longer in order to soak in the flavour. I've seen Oden Kit come frozen in an Asian supermarket, I wonder if those are any good!

  5. okasan: Are you sure that -19C is ちょっと寒い a little cold??? It's colder than the freezer!

    The oden party should be fun!
    Say hello to your Japanese friends!

  6. In Canada, the city where I live is at the foothills of the Rockies; to us -19 Celsius is ちょっと、but to you is とても!  When we get to -30 Celsius then it will become とても! The thermometer will dip to that temperature at least a few days of the season! 大変ですね!
