December 18, 2011

Daikon Rolled with Meat, etc./大根の肉巻きなど

As part of supper tonight, I made daikon rolled with meat and other deep-fried items.

First, a photo of snow on the road just in front of my house yesterday morning:
I "roasted" some of the hatomugi (Job's Tears) given by my father in the toaster oven.
That's another story.

I made "sweet potato" with a little help from my daughter.
That's another story, too.

Make ten sheets of daikon measuring approx. 10 x 8 x 0.3 cm. Put them in a bowl, add some (1 tsp salt) salt, rub well, and let stand. Roll each sheet with a thin slice of pork.
約10 x 8 x 0.3 cmの薄い大根のシートを作ります。ボールに入れ、塩を少々(小さじ1)入れ、よくもみ、放置します。各シートを豚の薄切りと一緒に巻きます。
I know that my children wouldn't be satisfied with the niku maki alone, so I made french fries (called fried potato in japanese), too.
And, meat balls, too.
Ground pork + grated ginger + one egg + potato starch + some salt

Sprinkle some pepper (but no salt, because the daikon sheets are already salted) on the rolls, dust with flour, coat with beaten egg, and coat with panko.
Deep-fry for 3-4 min. at 180C.
I had mine with tonkatsu sauce and lemon juice.


  1. Hi, Out of curiosity I had peeped into your blog. I hardly know about Japanese cusine, and wanted to explore it. Most of the names are new to me, but Job'tears, looked very nice indeed.

  2. Hiroyuki both the rolls and the balls look terrific! (not to mention the fried potatoes). Your making-of photos are excellent!
    It's the first time I read about Job's Tears, so I have checked it at wikipedia. Apparently it is used in Japan to make vinegar. Is it true? I am very curious about what you will do with it!

  3. gardenerat60: Thanks for peeing into my blog from India! I'm sure that there are other wonderful blogs and sites on Japanese cuisine that will interest you. Come to my blog if you want to see ordinary, sometimes somewhat mediore Japanese dishes!

  4. Sissi: You can make vinegar from fruits including persimmons and grains including hatomugi, but I just wanted to make hatomugi cha (= tea), similar to mugi cha (barley tea).

  5. Thank you! It sounds very intriguing!

  6. Beautiful snow!!!! I don't see a lot of it in Texas. I do need to find a frying pot like the one you have, I fry very infrequently, but it would still be nice to have.

  7. muskratbyte: A cast iron pot especially for deep-frying is something you will want to have if you want to make decent tempura, tonkatsu, and other deep-fried items.

    No one here likes snow, except children...

  8. Hiroyuki-san

    I am very interested to see that you have hatomugi! I understand that it is often made into a beverage or sometimes eaten in the yuuki form by people following a macrobiotic diet. How did you use it?

    I would like to try growing this plant in the UK. Although our climate is quite cold, the ornamental variety which we call Job's tears generally grows quite well. Do you know it is possible to purchase small qauntities of seeds of hatomugi varieties from northern Japan? I hear that some good ones grow in Hokkaido.

  9. Rhizowen: I just used it to make tea.
    Hatomugi is often cooked with rice, as you say, but I don't have the necessary equipment.

    Sorry, I don't know the availability of Japanese hatomugi varieties in your country. I did some googling and found that the variety "Okhotsk 1 Go" can be grown in Southern Hokkaido.

  10. Thanks Hiroyuki

    I'll investigate further that variety.

    There are some people in UK growing Japanese vegetables for sale commercially. I haven't visited, but maybe one day when I'm in the area I will

  11. Rhizowen: Thanks for the link.

    I think your investigation will be facilitated by sending an inquiry to that firm.

    Anyway, I hope you find your hatomugi seeds soon!
