March 4, 2012

Arigato from Japan Earthquake Victims/日本の地震被災者から「ありがとう」

I found a rather touching video
today, and I just wanted to share it with you.



  1. A friend sent this to me a few weeks ago, and it made me cry. It was very touching.

  2. Really touching. For the victims it must be still very hard struggeling with their life afterwards. Hope they still receive some monetary help and counselling when in need.

  3. Thanks for sending the link. Can't believe it is almost a year ago when this happen. We were flying into the tsunami last year on March 11 and were scheduled to land at 5:30pm just 2 hours after the tsunami started. The ironic part was that we were heading to Sendai on March 12; the students were planning on home stay. If we all arrived a day early the outcome would be so different. All seem very surreal! It is good to know that the area is rebuilding. 頑張りましょう。

  4. Thank you everyone for their respective comments.

    I wondered who made this video and what the 27th annual dinner gala was. Here are some answers to my questions:

    Excerpt from the above webpage:

    On November 15, 2011, Roos was the keynote speaker at the 27th Annual Dinner Gala of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.[6] Roos and Admiral Patrick Walsh are honored as leaders who helped strengthen Japan-US relationships after the 3.11 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, depicted vividly and poignantly in a video "Arigato" from earthquake victims

  5. Thank you, Hiroyuki. It's really touching.
    I still wonder sometimes how these people live now...

  6. Sissi: I believe most of them are incredibly tough and very positive.

    I can't support them all, but I hope I can support some of them directly.
