April 22, 2012

Kama Tama Spaghetti/釜玉スパゲティ

Kama = Pot, kettle, cauldron, etc.
Tama = Ball, but in this case, short for tamago (egg)
Kama tama udon is a dish made with udon hot from the pot, eggs, and some other ingredients.
Images of kama tama udon
My version of kama tama spaghetti is similar to carbonara.  In fact, my family calls it carbonara rather than kama tama.


(Edited to add a list of ingredients, which was inadvertently deleted from the initial post)
Ingredients for 2 servings:
200 g spaghetti
2 large eggs
Pizza cheese, finely grated
Black pepper

スパゲティ 200 g
卵L 2個

Put eggs in a mixing bowl, add finely chopped cheese, and mix thoroughly.

Grill bacon in the toaster oven.

Add boiled spaghetti and bacon to the bowl.  Mix well.

Serve in a plate.  Sprinkle black pepper and salt.

I later sprinkled some soy sauce to make it taste like Japanese.


  1. Hiroyuki, it looks really like pasta alla carbonara! (Your "kama tama spaghetti" look more Italian than most pasta alla carbonara plates served in Europe: many pretending to be Italian restaurants add heavy cream which destroys this delicate egg sauce and makes the dish particularly heavy and bad).
    I also add soy sauce to many Italian dishes (for example the bolognese sauce).

  2. This looks intriguing, I will definitely try this one soon. What kind of cheese did you use? I was thinking I could use some fresh grated parmesan cheese.

  3. First time at your blog! I love learning about different cultures and how they influence the eating habits of people! Your spaghetti looks very creamy and delicious!

  4. Some sort of Pasta alla carbonara I would agree. Carbonara is one of my rescue recipes - if there is nothing much left in storage and you need something quick and very tasty.
    Do you know the story behind carbonara? This is an italian dish invented (maybe) by charcoal workers, guys living deep in the woods: Hard working men without any shopping areas around but they had long lasting fat air dried bacon and firm dry cheese (pecorino)and dried pasta to fill their stomaches. I agree with Sissy, cream is a no go for alla carbonara.

  5. Sissi: Even in Japan, you can find a lot of carbonara recipes that call for cream. If my kama tama spaghetti contained cream, it wouldn't be an ultimate egg dish for me.

    muskratbyte: I can only describe it as cheap pizza cheese (laugh).
    Obviously, grated parmesan cheese is a much better option.

    Katerina: Thanks for your comment. If it looks creamy, it's probably because I don't reheat it in any way after I add the spaghetti to the mixing bowl, so the eggs remain raw.

    Kiki: I only vaguely know the connection between carbonara and charcoal workers. Thank you for the story. Pasta alla carbonara should be an ultimate egg dish for them, too!

  6. This looks so tasty and delicious!

  7. YSC: Thanks! It's easy to make, and it's really tasty. I hope you try it some day.
