May 28, 2012

Vegetable Gardening Spring 2012/菜園作り、2012年春

On April 21, I went to see how my rented field looked like.  Just as I had expected, it was still buried in snow due to the very heavy snowfall in the winter.

I had to put off vegetable gardening this spring until the snow disappeared.

I finally tilled the soil on May 7.

This photo was taken on May 9.
My rented field is the one at the center.  You may think it's small (approx. 6 x 5 m), but it's the right size for me.  With a larger field, I would definitely need a rotary tiller.

I made four ridges on May 14, and I laid mulch on May 20.

On May 27, I finally got around to planting seedlings.

Nine different varieties of tomato and cherry tomato, 30 seedlings in total; 8 tsurumurasaki (Malabar spinach) seedlings; 6 okra seedlings; and 6 Mulukhiyah seedlings

After planting tomato and cherry tomato seedlings, you will need supports called "ibo dake" and hemp yarn.

The planting season will soon be over, and I was lucky to have been able to buy tomato and cherry tomato seedlings very cheap, some of which were only 50 yen.
They were also very tall and some of them already had some small tomatoes/cherry tomatoes.


  1. Good luck with this year's harvest! I have greatly enjoyed you last year's gardening adventures. I would love to be able to rent a small field too (in Switzerland it exists too, but it's very difficult to obtain, it's not cheap and at least in my region I would be afraid of thieves... I have heard it happens more and more often)

  2. Sissi: I haven't heard of thieves here in my small sleepy city, but my father once told me about golfers doing nasty things to vegetable and crops in fields near golf courses. (There are many golf courses in Chiba, where my parents live.)

    Oh, I remember. Here in Niigata, there are thieves who steal harvested and stored rice.

  3. You live in the country with probably the lowest criminality rate in the democratic world, so I'm surprised anyone steals anything! Here even sparrows steal my parsley from the balcony (just joking! but they do steal it).

  4. It looks like you are off to a great start!

  5. muskratbyte: Thanks! Now I have to go to the field every other day or every two days to remove any suckers from tomato plants and give additional fertilizer. The rest is up to the weather!
