June 24, 2012

My Nukadoko on June 24, 2012/私のぬか床、2012年6月24日

I put my nukadoko in the freezer on December 28, 2011, as I described here, and yesterday, I took it out of the freezer.
I thawed it to room temperature, and then I buried two cucumbers in it.
About 20 hours later, I thought that the cucumbers were fully pickled.
They were.
I added another 100 g rice bran plus 7 g salt to my nukadoko, and mixed well.
米ぬかをまた100 gと塩7 gをぬか床に足して、よく混ぜました。
I want to pickle daikon leaves!!!


  1. Nukadoko has revived :-) I don't know if I will risk starting mine with this heat wave we are having. I envy you these cucumbers. I remember I loved cucumbers pickled this way.

  2. Sissi: The nukadoko was ready for pickling right after it was thawed. Quite amazing! One day, I had a sudden craving for nukazuke, and a few days later, I decided to thaw the nukadoko and start nukazuke again. Don't you think it's wonderful that you can start making nukadoko when the temperature is right, stop nukazuke whenever you want to by freezing the nukadoko, and start nukazuke again whenever you want to by thawing the nukadoko? (laugh)

  3. I didn't realise that nukadoko could be frozen like that and then thawed and it would work so well. I must try making my own nukadoko and then freezing it. Fascinating.

  4. I really need to buy a big freezer. We have a ridiculously small one (not ours, it's a rented flat) and it gets more and more annoying. Moreover I would love to start making my own ice-cream and sorbets! (The ice-cream maker container is too big to enter the freezer I have). I must check sales this summer!

  5. Until your blog, I had no idea that nukadoko could be frozen. Right now, it's still too hot for mine; the high temperature is 102F (38.88C) today! It's expected to get hotter over the next couple of weeks too.

  6. Thanks everyone for their comments.

    I think that you can bring your nukadoko to full fermentation even when the outside temperature is too high, by carefully moving it between a cool, dark place in your house and the fridge (preferably the vegetable compartment) on a daily basis.

  7. In Texas summer heat, my house has no cool, dark places... I will need to replace my air conditioner soon! It struggles in this heat.
