August 27, 2012

Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, Part V/大地の芸術祭、パート5

Mogura no Yakata is literally Moles' House, but the actual translation is Soil House.  This is an abolished school turned museum.
もぐらの館は直訳すると、Moles' Houseですが、実際の訳はSoil Houseとなっています。元廃校の美術館です。
Correction:  This house is called Soil Museum, not Soil House.
訂正: この館はSoil Houseではなく、Soil Museumと呼ばれています。

I suppose this was used to be a swimming pool.  It made me a kind of sad to see this.

Entrance of Mogura no Yakata (Soil House):
Sorry, photos only.  I can't explain the artworks.

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