September 30, 2012

Mushroom Hunting Again Today/今日もキノコ狩り

On September 29, my son and I went mushroom hunting again, at the request of my son.

Some of the mushrooms we found:
Russula cyanoxantha:

Not the white mushrooms but these purple ones:

Oudemansiella venosolamellata:
Oyster mushroom:
It was cloudy.
All the edible mushrooms we collected, after being washed clean:
Except the common puffballs, I put them all in "ramen nabe".


  1. I did not know that there exist some sort of non toxic Amanita but the colour is very distinct so nothing will happen. The mushroom season is not that good around here. The summer was very dry. First year without any mushrooms in my garden except some deadly poisonous Amanita phalloides. Last year I had a bigger patch Coprinus comatus in the front yard. They did not come back yet.

  2. Kiki: Tamago take (lit. egg mushroom)
    is another Amanita species that is not poisonous and one of the mushrooms my son wants to get.

  3. My grandmother used to pick the first mushroom and cook it in a thick sauce. I still remember it was crunchy and slightly sweet. She was one of the rare who picked it (for example my parents never even touched it, it's not a very popular mushroom in Europe I think, even though in books it's classified as edible...).
    I wonder what you will do with puffballs. I once went to a friend's of mine and still remember how delicious were huge puffballs her mother made: she sliced them in thick pieces, coated in egg and breadcrumbs and shallow fried. They tasted better than many meat cuts :-)

  4. Sissi: Your grandmother must be knowledgeable about mushrooms!

    Sorry, I didn't bother to talk about the puffballs. My son's favorite way of cooking them is to wrap them in a sheet of aluminum foil and cook in a toaster oven for 8-10 minutes. Open the foil, and put some lemon juice and soy sauce.
    For these particular puffballs, my son put them all on a bamboo skewer before wrapping in aluminum foil. He ate them all by himself!

    For some reason, we didn't think of cooking them in the way you described. It really sounds delicious! I'd like to try your way some day, but to do so, we must collect much more puffballs!

  5. wow, I'm surprised about edible Amanita too!!

  6. Very interesting way to prepare puffballs. And so much healthier than breaded and fried :-)

  7. Hello..Its facinating to see that you could hunting for mushrooms by really expert in mushrooms desiecs?

  8. t.o.p.a.z: I'm not an expert, but my son likes mushroom hunting.

  9. There should be 3 different kinds of puffballs around here: the small white (Lycoperdon xx - don't know the varieties bot. name) in fact there are more types as pear shaped and round, the big (Calvatia gigantea) and the so called pigskin poison puffballs (Scleroderma citrinum). The first two are edible, the third not. The small are incredible good stewed together with meat, they add such a deep and profound mushroom flavour. Sadly I never found one of the big variety but there are lots of the potato puffballs - vexing.

  10. Kiki: You are lucky! I don't think there are that many species around here. We can find only one.
