October 28, 2012

Mushroom Hunting on October 28/10月28日のキノコ狩り

Today (October 28), my son and I went out on the sixth mushroom hunting trip in this season.

Some of the mushrooms we found:

Beni tengu take
This mushroom is poisonous.

Unfortunately, too small to eat.


They were in good condition!

Shimofuri shimeji
My son was overjoyed to find this mushroom.
All the edible mushrooms we found today:
We had mushroom nabe for the first time in this season.

Edited to the following photos on Oct. 30:

These are the main books my son learns about mushrooms from:
The bottom left one, Nihon no Kinoko (lit. Mushrooms in Japan), is the most detailed.

The bottom right one is about trees, not mushrooms.
Knowledge of trees is required to identify mushrooms properly.

By the way, most of the rest of our mushrooms went into takikomi gohan and clear soup.
My son requested that the clear soup be as simple as possible, so it contained shimofuri shimeji only.  I later added some finely chopped naga negi (contained in the container above the bowls), but I thought it wouldn't be necessary.

The other part of the rest of the mushrooms was marinated in a vinegar, soy sauce, and sesame oil mixture, as requested by my son.


  1. Hiroyuki, I am so surprised! Tricholoma portentosum is one of my favourite mushrooms! It is found in Europe in sandy places at the border of the forest (the sand was awful to get rid of) and is never sold anywhere alas... so I haven't tasted it for many years (since I stopped mushroom hunting). I love its crunchy taste even after long simmering... My mum used to fry some onions first, then would add the mushrooms with water or stock and simmer, then she would thicken the sauce with flour.
    Apparently in France many people mix up this mushroom with another toxic one and some end up in the hospital or dead every year.
    Amanita muscaria is called in French "fly-killing amanite" because apparently in olden times people used it as a fly killer, but according to present research it doesn't work at all ;-)
    Who taught your son to recognise mushrooms? Was it you or did he learn it from books? I am impressed once again.

  2. Sissi: I AM surprised that you know Tricholoma portentosum! And, I am glad to know that you are (were?) a mushroom hunter, too!

    My son has been interested in mushrooms ever since he was five or so. He learns from books, particularly this book:
    Nihon no Kinoko

  3. Those edible mushrooms look great, Hiroyuki! You and your son have such great luck in finding such a variety.

    I just received last week a 2 liter donabe, and now I think I'll have to copy you and made a mushroom nabe once I've got the pot ready to use.

  4. Sounds like a really fun day for you guys!

  5. Tricholoma portentosum is known around here but it is hard to find. And there are quite some mushrooms which are not edible or worse poisonous looking the same so I never hunted for it. But guess what, maybe I have some in my garden growing under an old cypress tree. I am still not sure wether it is this kind of mushroom or another.
    Sissi: The fly killing Amanita is called Fly-Mushroom in German. In former times there was a telling: Place a glass of milk mixed with this mushroom in your house, flies will sip on the milk and die. This was dangerous and of no use at all. Fact is small chipped pieces, the size of a fingernail of the pinkie, were eaten as halluzinogenic drug by shamans or "white women" - also not recommended. That is maybe the reason behind the telling that witches can fly. (in my former life I had an most unusual lecture at university about witchcraft, shamanism and pharmacology, very interesting - laugh) This mushroom often is displayed in fairy tale picture books and such. I think it is one of the most beautiful mushrooms around.

  6. Hiroyuki, it's nice to hear that some children have such intelligent hobbies! You must be proud of him. I used to go mushroom hunting as far as I can go back with my childhood memories. I think that this and fishing in lakes or rivers were the most beautiful memories of my childhood. When I lived not far from my family, even if I didn't go mushroom hunting, I would get mushrooms as presents regularly so I think that I bought my first wild mushroom at the age of 30 only. Before, everything was picked by me or my family.
    Do you dry mushrooms apart from shiitake? I still receive mushrooms dried by my family. They are so good in stews and other simmered dishes...
    Kiki, I know... I would never go to pick this mushroom alone (without someone older and more experienced). I think I'm good only at chanterelle, cep and different Boletus. Even these I keep on forgetting...
    Putting the fly agaric in milk must have been really dangerous but not for the flies, I totally agree! I have read about the shamans. The lecture sounds fascinating! (You know whenever I went mushroom picking I kept on thinking how beautiful this mushroom was too...).

  7. Thanks everyone for their respective comments.

    Ruminating Roy, I hope you "season" your donabe properly!

    Kiki and Sissi, your talk about Tricholoma portentosum is quite interesting. In Japan, we have hae tori shimeji (fly-catching shimeji), Tricholoma muscarium, which seems to be indigenous to Japan.

    Sissi, drying mushrooms is less common in Japan. Mushrooms are more often salted or boiled for preservation
