November 24, 2012

Daikon Mochi/大根もち

This is my very first attempt to make daikon mochi.  I searched for recipes and found some.  I decided to mix 400 g grated daikon with 200 g katakuriko (potato starch) and add some shredded naga negi and some salt only (no dried shrimp, etc.)  I also decided to pan-fry it in much the same way as I would make a pan cake.
初めて大根もちを作りました。レシピーを探し、いくつか見つかりました。だいこんおろし400 gと片栗粉200 gを混ぜ、(干し海老などは入れずに)刻んだねぎと塩だけを入れることにしました。また、ホットケーキを作るのとほぼ同じ方法で焼くことにしました。
It was good enough for me, but my children said it was not good.

The shusai (main dish) was tonkatsu, which I made from more than 900 g pork tenderloin.  What you see in the photo is about half of all the tonkatsu I made.
主菜は、私が豚のヒレ肉を900 g以上使って作った豚カツです。写真に写っているのは作った豚カツのおよそ半分です。
I microwaved the rest of the daikon first and then simmered in a pot of dashi, soy sauce, and mirin (15:1:1 ratio).
The sauce for the daikon mochi was:
2 tbsp mentsuyu (noodle soup) concentrate
2 tbsp water
1 tsp sesame oil
Some shredded naganegi
濃縮麺つゆ 大さじ2
水 大さじ2
ごま油 小さじ1
This is how I usually have tonkatsu:  Mustard, lemon juice, tonkatsu (or chuunou) sauce, and lots of shredded cabbage.
I think that my first attempt to make daikon mochi was a failure.  I think I will use joushinko (rice flour) or a combination of katakuriko and wheat flour next time.


  1. Your tokatsu seasoning is really tempting. I will try it next time (certainly healthier than a mixture of mayonnaise and taberu rayu I go crazy for nowadays ;-) ).
    I must also remember to prepare tonkatsu with tenderloin. I always use loin.
    I have finished my daikon last night making once more the Korean salad. I will buy some more next week and continue my experiments!

  2. Daikon Mochi reminds me of turnip cake.

    Here's some information about turnip cake:

    Turnip cake is delicious with soy sauce or ketchup (laughs).

  3. Sissi: My son, on the other hand, likes to have my home-made tonkatsu with no additional seasoning, because it is already seasoned with salt and pepper. He says he can tell the flavor of the meat better that way. He says that my "age tate" (just fried) tonkatsu is really good.

    Anonymous: Thanks for the link.

    Kiki provided a link to the same Wikipedia entry in her blog:
    I was inspired by her daikon cake.

    I had the leftover daikon mochi for lunch today by placing some tomato sauce and pizza cheese on it and heating in the toaster oven. It tasted not so good...

  4. Just check this out:

    Pretty nice type of daikon cake.

    Concerning tonkatsu. I like it with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Reminds me always of german/austrian Wiener Schnitzel
    I also would never eat Wiener Schnitzel with Myonnaise, brown sauce or Ketchup. Besides tonkatsu is more crips.

  5. Kiki: Thanks for the two links. Vegan cake sounds interesting, although I am no vegetarian. The reason why I omitted dried shrimp was that the renkon hamburgers were tasty enough even thought they did not contain any meat, fish, or seafood. I didn't know about Wiener Schnitzel. Quite interesting, but I think it is shallow rather than deep fried.
    >During the frying the Schnitzel is repeatedly slightly tossed around the pan. Also during the frying, fat can be scooped from the pan with a spoon and poured onto the meat. After the underside has become golden yellow, the Schnitzel is turned over.

    Just like you, I also avoid adding oil (I mean, mayonnaise) to an already oily dish (laugh).
