November 18, 2012

Making Hoshi Gaki (Dried Persimmons)/干し柿作り

Last Friday, I got a box of shibu gaki (astringent persimmons) from my father.  I checked them all and found 27 of them were without T-shaped twigs.  I decided to remove the astringency from them ("sawasu" in Japanese) with alcohol.
In general, a spirit with an alcohol content of 35% or greater is used for this purpose.  A special spirit specifically for this purpose has an alcohol content of 47%!  I decided to try my shochu with  25% alcohol.
Just dip the upper part of each persimmon in a container of shochu.
This is a common step, and I followed it, wondering if it would be possible just to put all the permissions in a plastic bag and sprinkle some shochu over them.

Put all the persimmons in a plastic bag, and seal the bag tight.
Because of the less alcohol content, it may take a little more time to remove the astringency.  Ten days maybe?

My wife suggested that I remove the astringency from all the persimmons this way, but I protested.  I finally decided to remove the astringency from 20 more and dry the remaining 14.
I dried them in the garage.
While peeling, one persimmon lost its T-shaped twig, and I had to consider how to hang it.
It will take one month to dry them completely.


  1. A pretty good idea to use a bamboo skrewer for tying up (it is bamboo I guess?). My tying method worked out too and the persimmons already did shrink a bit too (windy cold weather). I am going to hang up some more.

  2. Will the persimmons smell like cars in the garage?

  3. Like last year I envy you the acid kaki and still can get the tasteless Spanish ones only.
    By the way, Saturday I finally managed to find some nashi! It is amazing! So juicy and sophisticated, compared to the European pear. The taste is so delicate, I would never use it in a cake like the European pear.
    I have discovered a Chinese shop in France, just outside of the border (I live not far from the border) selling nashi cheaper than European pears. Of course it comes from China, not Japan, but it is amazingly good! I plan to go there every week and have a nashi a day until they are available.

  4. Kiki: Yes, a bamboo skewer. I don't think it's a good idea because I won't be able to massage it.

    A: I don't have a car in the garage.

    Sissi: I have no idea how tasteless you persimmons are, but I guess you can use them in cooking.

    So, you liked nashi? Then, I'm sure you will like niitaka nashi, one of the best varieties I've ever tasted.

  5. Love your blog ! What a pity that in Poland we don't have many of ingredients you use. But still, I like view your blog - it's so exotic for me ;)


  6. Paulina: Thank your for your comment! It's good to know that I have a reader in Poland!

  7. Hiroyuki, the Spanish persimmon is bland, very sweet not the slightest acidity and doesn't have anything interesting (not like mango for example which is very sweet but delicious). I bought once and threw away.
    I loved nashi! (I still have one left, I think I will have it now!).
    Talking about dried fruit, I do dry some fruits every year. I must post the method although it's very easy!

  8. Sissi: I see, but I suppose that's exactly what persimmons should taste like. Sweet and not acidic.
