February 22, 2013

Milk Mochi with Kinako and Kuromitsu/ミルク餅をきな粉と黒蜜で

So, I made milk mochi around noon today.

200 ml milk
2 tbsp katakuriko (potato starch)
1 tbsp sugar

This recipe results in very soft milk mochi.

牛乳 200 ml
片栗粉 大さじ2
砂糖 大さじ1


I'm on a diet, so I just had a small amount of it, with kinako and kuromitsu.  Kinako is roasted soybean powder, but we often loosely use the word to mean a mixture of kinako and sugar (usually in equal amounts) plus a pinch of salt.  My "kinako" contains much less sugar (about 50-70%).
Sorry for the poor presentation.
 It is tasty, though.

I simmered grapefruit peels with sugar yesterday.
Much bitter than natsumikan peels, although I soaked them in water in several changes of water beforehand.  The peels were 300 g when drained, and I used 150 g sugar.  You will have to use more sugar (80% to 100%) if you want them sweeter.

何回か水を替えて水に漬けたのですが、夏みかんの皮よりずっと苦いです。水を切って測った重さが300 gで、それに対して砂糖は150 g使いました。もっと甘いのがよければ、もっと砂糖を(80~100%)使うべきでしょう。

I still dry daikon sometimes.  The other day, I cut some daikon into slices about 5 mm thick.

It took more time to dry them than the daikon cut into strips.
I made harihari zuke again.  I enjoyed the different texture.
The other day, my wife made some mysterious dish!
My wife said they were low-calorie satoimo (taro) korokke (not deep-fried but simply breaded and heated in the toaster oven).
But, what about the slice of ham...?

Finally, my family went to Tabata-ya, a local buckwheat noodle restaurant, about two weeks ago.

My daughter ordered a chahan set, as she usually does.
My wife and son ordered three servings of hegi soba, plus one serving of tempura, as they usually do.
What did I order?  Nothing!  I was on a diet, and refrained from having anything.  I had some bread before going to the restaurant.


  1. Nothing??? Even the bowl with the shredded cabbage I see on left? You have really very strong will... I think I would ask my family to choose a different restaurant type (for example yakitori), so that I don't suffer ;-)
    You have been recently very busy in the kitchen! The different daikon shape sounds very tempting. I have once more forgotten daikon which is probably too wilted to cook it fresh, so I will be pickling it too.
    Your wife's invention looks very intriguing. Low fat korokke sounds almost too good to be true.

  2. Sissi: Actually, it was me who suggested we go to the buckwheat noodle restaurant. I wanted to take my family to the izakaya that opened nearby, but I gave up the idea.

    I didn't order anything, but my wife and son ordered three servings of soba, so luckly, I got my mentsuyu (dipping sauce) and side dish (my son's is shown on the right of the last photo). I also had soba yu.
    If you don't know what soba yu is, here is some explanation:

    Semi-circular daikon harihari zuke is also popular, and that's why I tried a different shape.

    That dish is just one example of my wife's strange creations (laugh).

  3. Thank you for the link! I have somehow missed it because I would have remembered something so unusual as soba yu! Luckily you could have a bit of something to eat and drink at least.
