February 7, 2013

Today's Bento (Feb. 7)/今日のお弁当(2月7日)

Today's bento for my son:
Left side:  Boiled broccoli (previously boiled and frozen), store-bought simmered kuromame (lit. black beans), daikon and carrot kinpira (made two days ago), wiener sausage sauteed this morning.
Right side:  Katsudon made quickly this morning, using frozen home-made hito-kuchi (one-bite) tonkatsu, ume katsuo at the center of the rice.
左側: 茹でたブロッコリー(前に茹でて冷凍したもの)、市販の黒豆、大根と人参のキンピラ(二日前に作ったもの)、今朝炒めたウインナーソーセージ。
右側: 今朝、冷凍した自家製の一口カツでサッと作ったカツ丼、ご飯の真ん中に梅かつお。

Two onigiri for snacks.


  1. It looks delicious! You remind me I must prepare one-bite katsu soon. Do you have a habit in Japan to reheat bentos in a microwave? When I go to the office and prepare my lunch (even if it's often rice, some vegetables and some stir-fried meat or seafood, I cannot call it bento...) I always reheat it.

  2. Sissi: One-bite katsu are tastier than the regular size ones because they have more coating!

    Of course, we do! When you buy a bento in a konbini, the clerk will always ask you whether you want it reheated in the microwave.

    I'm not 100% sure but I think that most offices today have a microwave installed so that the employees can reheat their bento.
