April 11, 2013

My Purchases at the 100-Yen Shop Today/今日100円ショップで買ったもの

Today, I took the morning off, and went to the 100-yen shop nearby. But first, I went to the supermarket a little after nine o'clock to get daikon for 98 yen each, among others.
I sprinkled 1 tsp salt on the greens, and rubbed well.
Then, I made three grooves in my nukadoko.
I put the greens in the grooves, and
buried the greens.
I hope I can get tasty daikon greens nukazuke tomorrow.

I also simmered some natsumikan peels. Then I headed for the 100-yen shop.

Here are the items I bought:
Top: Myoga (Japanese ginger) roots
Bottom left: Asparagus roots
Bottom right: Fukinoto roots
上: みょうが(茗荷)の根
左下: アスパラガスの根
右下: ふきのとう(蕗の薹、フキノトウ)の根

Inaka (lit. country) soba and containers of two different sizes:
Top: Okura, two varieties of shiso
Bottom: Mitsuba, chuu dama (medium-size) tomato, and mulukhiya
上: オクラ、シソ2品種
下: みつば、中玉トマト、モロヘイヤ 
(They cost 105 yen per 2 bags.)
Why did I have to go to the 100-yen shop? To get this COLOR BOARD.
I needed the board to fix the hole my son made last year while playing with his soccer ball.
I managed to fix it.
Do you believe that my son broke this side-view mirror AND made this hole with a single kick of his soccer ball?
Natsumikan peels, now soaked in water.
My lunch today:
Store-bought mini menchi (top) and regular-size beef korokke, which my wife bought last Monday.
Leftover shredded cabbage
Less rice than usual
I'm still on a diet. I have decided to lose another five kg. I still have a long way to go!
まだダイエット中です。あと5 kg減量することにしました。まだまだ先は長いです!

Yesterday, my wife got a bag of fukinoto from her sister. My wife fried them with miso. So, it's a type of miso itame.
Images of Miso itame/味噌炒めのイメージ


  1. Miso itame ;-)
    I am very glad to see you are preparing to a new gardening season. I bought exactly the same seeds (2 packages for 105 yen). I have sown some seeds much too early this year... They start sprouting, but it's been the coldest March for 27 years in my city.
    The mysterious "baby leaves (or "reefs" ;-) ) were the first to sprout. I'm very curious to see what they will taste like and especially the chrysanthemum leaves I have never tasted in my life.
    Myoga is the biggest discovery of my holidays in Tokyo and I would grow it if I had more space on balcony (although I'm not sure if it's possible). I saw it here only once in my Japanese shop.
    I think of 100 yen shops with lots of nostalgia when I have meals in my 100 yen bowls, which are beautiful (maybe they have some production errors but I don't see any).

  2. Gardening season has started in Niigata - so it seems. I am going to look out for some new plants too. Sadly my garden is too small to grow green asparagus, but I am thinking about ordering myoga (young plants).

    Guess playing soccer around the house is now strictly forbidden.

  3. Sissi: The link to miso itame images was meant for you (laugh)!

    The same seeds? It's a small world for two of us (laugh).

    Sissi and Kiki: Here in the snowy region, people say nothing will grow if you plant before hachijuu hachi ya 八十八夜 (88th nights from Risshun 立春 (beginning of spring), that is, around May 2.

    Kiki: Forbidden? He still plays with his soccer ball around the house!

  4. Hah, your son must have a powerful kick!

    Is myoga difficult to grow? It's almost impossible to find here, if I could obtain it, it might be easier to just grow it!

  5. Still playing ball around the house.. You shoud have bought more boards and maybe a window or two. Son had to pay for damages caused by stupid behaviour for example wrestling with his friends, even after a serious warning to do this outside, and then he smashed the glass door with his lower back. Life is hard without much pocket money left for a few months.

  6. muskratbyte: I don't think it's hard to grow myoga. Just keep in mind that myoga likes the shade.

    Kiki: At 16, my son is still like a child.

  7. Here in California, I've started growing tomatoes and the sweetpeas and roses have started to bloom :)

  8. Yangsze: And, here in the Uonuma region of Niigata, we still have some snow left on the fields... Cherry trees will bloom in late April.
