May 17, 2013

Okara Yaki/おから焼き

This morning, I made soy milk with 200 g domestic soybeans and 1,000 ml water, but didn't separate the soy milk from soy pulp. Reason? Because I wanted to try this recipe:
今朝は、国産の大豆200 gと水1,000 mlで豆乳を作りましたが、豆乳とおからを分けませんでした。何故かって?このレシピを試したかったので:
This recipe calls for:
100 g soy pulp
70 g rice flour (komeko in Japanese)
2 tsp olive oil
25 g grated cheese
Small amount of salt
80 cc milk
Combine all ingredients, separate into 10 pieces, make them into balls, and bake in an oven at 180-190oC for 20-25 min.
おから 100 g
米粉 70 g
オリーブ油 小さじ2
粉チーズ 25
塩 少々
牛乳 80 cc
My plan was to replace the soy pulp and the milk with the soy "mash" (soy milk not separated from pulp) and leave out the grated cheese.
Soy mash:
I used this rice flour, made from Koshihikari rice produced here in Minami Uonuma.
The recipe says that the dough should have a texture like that of nukamiso (= nukadoko = rice bran bed for pickling), which may mean nothing to those who are not familiar with nukamiso. Roughly, a texture similar to that of miso.
I separated the dough into 12 pieces, and placed on the tray,
put the tray in my toaster oven! Five minutes later, I placed a sheet of aluminum foil to prevent them from scorching.
 I baked them for a total of 5 + 8 + 10 = 23 min.
合計5 + 8 + 10 = 23分焼きました。
Still very moist.
I microwaved them for 1 min.
Despite the appearance, they tasted very good! I will definitely make another attempt soon!

Edited to add the following photos and descriptions:

These okara yaki balls were so tasty that I finished them off before noon all by myself. This afternoon, I made another batch, doubling the amount of each ingredient. This time, I added some shredded cheese for lack of grated cheese.
I fried half the dough in a frying pan, using a sheet of parchment paper.
I baked the other half in the toaster oven for 20 min. This time, I didn't use a sheet of aluminum foil. The dough was so moist I thought it wouldn't need aluminum foil to prevent it from scorching.
 Closeup of one that was baked in the toaster oven:
Very crunchy on the outside and still moist on the inside.
Anyway, my son, who came home much earlier than usual because of the midterm exams, tasted them and said they were very good!


  1. Very intersting and so healthy. I guess you could add small amounts of additonal ingredients: cheese, ham and dried tomato for some mochi mochi pizza rolls. Stir-fried mushrooms, bellpepper, spring onion. I have to buy soy beans.

  2. Kiki: Yes, very healthy, I suppose, because rice and soybeans are such a great combination (together, they provide all the essential amino acids that the human body needs).

    I'm thinking of making something similar to oyaki (yakimochi), which you have recently made, or anbo. But first, I think I have to adjust the rice flour-to-soy "mash" ratio to make less moist dough.

  3. You make me want to make okara again! (I made it and soy milk several times two years ago I think, thanks to kind Kiki's advice and loved it in a cake! Afterwards I only had problems with the huge amount of soy milk... I only use it in my morning coffee).

  4. Sissi: As you are fully aware, I am a lazy cook, and I hate to separate soy milk from pulp. I often think, "What's the point of separating them when you can use them together?"

    Do make soy milk and okara again, and indulge in the flavors of both at the same time (laugh)!

  5. Thank you for the advice... Unfortunately as much as I love soy milk in coffee and okara with... anything, I am not a big fan of soy milk alone. Now for example I have a problem: I bought a big package of soy milk last week and discovered I have accidentally bought sweetened soy milk (I am not able to drink sweetened coffee). It was a brand I didn't know and they didn't write "sweetened", so I bought it without checking ingredients... I will try to replace cow milk with this one in some cakes maybe...

  6. Sissi:
    >big fan of soy milk alone.

    I'm not a big fan of store-bought soy milk, but I'm a big fan of my home-made soy milk AND pulp (laugh).

    Sorry for the sweetened soy milk. I couldn't stand it, either!

  7. Hiroshi-san,

    Thank you for your comment. And, thank you for reviving a very old post! I know I need to do more cooking, but now that I live with my father (91), I need to do much less cooking than I used to...

  8. Hiroyuki-San, this looks fab. Would you have some suggested alternatives for the milk and cheese on this recipe for those who aren't good with dairy? Thanks

  9. @Anonymous-san,

    Sorry to butt in, but I hope this helps. I just removed the cheese and replaced the milk with soy milk and it worked fine. I cannot tolerate dairy products. I also removed the olive oil as I am not good with oils either.
