May 3, 2013

Shoyu Mame (Shoyu no Mi)/しょうゆ豆(しょう油の実)

I ordered a set of six packs of O-Shoyu Mame (product name) two days ago. It arrived this morning.
I think I was lucky, because this particular product, made by Takamura Shoten located in Nagano prefecture, is a seasonal one, and is only available in winter.
I fell in love with this product instantly when I had it for the first time in my late teens or early twenties (I don't remember exactly when).
It is additive-free, and must be kept refrigerated.
The ingredients are soy beans, kuromame (black beans), rice malt, and soy sauce.
I had it with hot rice. Very, very good!

If you ever want to taste shoyu mame (shoyu no mi), search for the real one, with no additives.

Note: Shoyu mame (shoyu no mi) is a specialty of Shinshu (Nagano).
There is a similar product in Niigata, which is usually called shoyu no mi:
注: しょう油豆(しょう油の実)は信州(長野)の名産です。
Images of Niigata shoyu no mi/新潟 しょう油の実の画像

There is a product with the same name in Kagawa prefecture (fava beans soaked in sugar, soy sauce, mirin, and red pepper):
Images of Kagawa shoyu mame/香川 しょうゆ豆の画像


  1. Soy beans and black beans simmered in soy sauce and mirin for a longer time - the ultimate baked beans... Looks very tasty.

  2. Kiki: No mirin in Shinshu's shoyu mame (shoyu no mi). Soy beans, kuromame (black beans), rice malt, and soy sauce are the only necessary ingredients.

    Niigata's shoyu no mi = Soy beans + water + rice malt + salt (NO soy sauce)

    As I suggested in the post, not all products labled "Shoyu no mi" or "Shoyu mame" are the same. Some taste just awful. For example, the one I bought in Gangi Dori is way too salty, and lacks the flavor that shoyu no mi should have.

    I am really lucky that I had the real shoyu mame right from the beginning. The miso manufacturer that makes this particular product is located in the area of Shinshu where my father comes from.
