February 5, 2014

Wedding Ceremony and Reception, Continued/結婚式と披露宴、続き

In the preceding post, I forgot to write:
1. The staff started accepting go-shuugi (gift money) from the guests at 10:30.
2. Before we entered the reception room, the bride tossed her bouquet to the female guests, and the groom threw an extra large bag of potato chips to the male guests.
3. In Japan, three types of wedding ceremony are common: kyokai-shiki (chapel-style), shinzen-shiki (Shinto-style), and jinzen-shiki (civil, non-religious).
Note that selecting a chapel-style wedding ceremony doesn't necessarily mean that the couple is Christians. The same is true of the Shinto-style.
1. スタッフの人たちは10:30に出席者からのご祝儀(しゅうぎ)の受付を始めました。
2. 出席者が披露宴会場に入る前、新婦は女性客にブーケを投げ、新郎は男性客に特大のポテトチップの袋を投げました。
3. 日本では、3種類の結婚式が一般的です: 教会式、神前(しんぜん)式、人前(じんぜん)式。
Now, let me talk about the menu!
Foie gras de canard sautee, with truffle and mushroom risotto  
フォアグラ ド カナールソテー トリュフと茸のリゾット添え
Two types of bread
Red sea bream and conger eel streamed with turnip
Another type of bread
Hirame (olive flounder) vapeur, made into a campus, with ginger-flavored butter sauce
キャンパス仕立ての平目のヴァプール しょうが風味のバターソースで 
Parfait amour (infusion)
パルフェ タムール(アンフュージョン) 
The server said it was "flavor tea".

Fillet and Japanese-style vegetables takiawase (cooked separately but served together), made into pot-au-feu
O-sekihan (glutinous rice cooked with azuki beans) with chestnut in it
フィレ肉と和風野菜の多喜合わせ ポトフ仕立て
Takiawase is usually spelled 炊き合わせ (cooked first and then served together), but here, the kanji meaning "many joys joining" (多+喜+合) are used.

Cross section
O-sekihan is what the Japanese like to have on an auspicious occasion.
A piece of cake that I got from the bride.
More sweets!
Correction: The correct spelling of this confection is macaron, with a single o, not macaroon. To be more precise, macaron is a French word, and macaroon is an English word for macaron! To make things more complicated, there is a confection called macaroon in the United States and elsewhere.
(Thanks to okasan for her comments.)
Cheese cake (if I remember correctly)
Near the end of the reception, I drank a cup of coffee.
After the reception ended, the bride and groom and their parents lined up to express their thanks to the guests one by one. The bride gave everyone this present:
To be continued.




  1. Wow, I have always wondered what Japanese weddings are like. The food is such an interesting combination of Japanese and Western foods. (The table settings too.) It all looks so beautiful!

  2. Thank you for the wedding report! Always very interesting to see how different some traditions are like!
    The desserts look so yummy. A lot of people are confused over macaron and macaroon. Although I believe macaroon is a variation from macaron, in North America macaroon has coconut in it and it is nothing like French macaron where it almond paste in it. Macaroon is very inexpensive whereas macaron can cost you upwards of 300yen each depending where you buy it from. I'm sure the デパチカ (depachika) will cost about 300-450yen each, that is about the price in a French department store I was at last year. I took a course on making these cookies, the only time I succeeded was in the classroom, once I got home I failed every-time. The temperature and the consistency of the egg whites are so tricky. The ingredients are so expensive that it is hard to experiment often. I will give it a rest and maybe try again at a later date.

  3. Tea Apprentice: I'd say this particular menu (a combination of Japanese and Western foods) is a typical one. The sauce for the fillet was a kind of teriyaki sauce. An authentic French sauce would be a little too heavy especially for the elderly.

    okasan: Thanks for letting me know of the correct spelling! I didn't know that such a sweet as macaroon existed.
    I did some googling and found that the English word for the French word macaron is macaroon.
    which make things more complicated...

    I'll make a correction later.

  4. The food seems very Western! If not European!

  5. Sissi: Yes, mostly Western with some Japanese touch.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I had to laugh about the big bag of potato chips the groom threw to the male guests. My daughter heard me laughing and asked what was so funny. When I told her, she laughed, too :)

  8. Katrin: No wonder (laugh)! Everyone there laughed when they saw that extra big bag of potato chips!

    The bride tossed her bouquet three times in total. I don't know why. I will have to ask her why if I want to know the answer.

  9. I suppose the bouquet throwing comes from the West. Probably no one has caught the bouquet (in Europe at least the aim is to throw it so that unmarried woman catches it: it's a sign she'll marry soon, but if no one catches or married women do... maybe it has to be thrown once again in Japan?
    I wonder who had the chips idea and what it symbolises ;-)

  10. It is confusing especially after reading the history of Macaron. The French Macaron didn't become popular until recently. In bakeries and supermarkets there were always macaroons (coconut base)so people are used to the name and think they are the same thing. Here is a picture of the typical Macaroon.

    You have to like coconut to like these!

  11. Sissi: I have no idea about the pototo chips. Perhaps simply a joke or something. I'll have to ask my niece about it.

    okasan: I have made a correction in the text. Thanks for your contribution to this post!

  12. I must correct Okasan. In France macarons traditionally were made (and still are) with almonds, not with coconut. The biscuits with coconut are often called in France "congolais" (or something else) but never macarons. Macarons de Nancy are still produced (in Nancy) in this traditional way (photos: http://www.google.fr/search?q=macaron+de+nancy&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=SdH0Uu3CGeOe4wSFzoH4CQ&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=823).
    These traditional macarons are not stuffed with anything, have ground almonds and not powdered like the today's expensive macarons.
    I don't know what they write in US wikipedia, but here is the link to the French one for those who speak French. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macaron
    I suppose in the US the access was easier to coconut than almonds, hence the American coconut macaroon.

  13. Sissi: While searching, I found this interesing sweet: Makoron
    (Japanese only)
    which is similar to amaretti but is made from peanuts, not almonds, because almonds were hard to come by at the time when this sweet was introduced to Japan.

  14. すごい豪華な結婚式ですねえ。 すべておいしそう!

  15. Nippon Nin: おいしかったですよ!派手婚でも地味婚でもなく、とても素敵な結婚式でしたー!
