April 26, 2014

Kanzo (Daylily) Stir-Fry and Ohitashi/カンゾウの炒め物とおひたし

Today, I asked my son to get some young leaves of kanzo (daylily). He went to the riverside to get this much. 
I stir-fried two-thirds of them with ham, wiener sausages, eggs, and sesame oil. I seasoned them with salt, instant dashi, and soy sauce.
I boiled the remaining ones for less than 2 minutes. We had them as ohitashi.
It's good to know that something this delicious can be had for free!


  1. I have been reading your blog and enjoy and learn a lot of things from you too:)Thank you for sharing what you do...it serves as inspiration!

  2. I didn't know you could eat lily leaves -- I've only eaten lily bulbs before (and other flowers' leaves, like chrysanthemum). Interesting! Looks good!

  3. Simple Living: Thanks for your comment. I visited your blog, and I found it quite interesting, especially your daughter studying Japanese!

    Tea Apprentice: Yes, daylily leaves are edible, and they are tasty. But, be careful! Pick up only those leaves you can identify as daylily leaves. Some look-alikes, especially daffodil leaves, are poisonous.

  4. I was inspired by you and a few others, and went to my first foraging class this past spring!

  5. muskratbyte: I'm glad to hear that! Happy foraging!
