May 16, 2014

Microwaved Version of Potato Chips and Frozen Extra-Large Korokke/電子レンジで作ったポテトチップと特大の冷凍コロッケ

Today, around noon, I tried Kiki's suggestion about making potato chips: using a microwave instead of deep-frying. I used only a single potato. This was more like an experiment than cooking.
This particular slicer (mandoline) is adjustable to three thicknesses of 0.5, 1.3, and 2.0 mm. I selected 2.0 mm.
このスライサーは厚さを0.5、1.3、2.0 mmに調節できます。私は2.0 mmにしました。
I pierced the slices with two bamboo skewers, and placed them on a Tupperware container. Then, I went out for shopping. I left them on the kitchen counter, hoping that the slices would be dried to some degree.
Thirty minutes later, I microwaved them for a total of 3 + 3 = 6 minutes.
30分後、合計3 + 3 = 6分、電子レンジで加熱しました。
We have two microwaves in our kitchen, by the way.
Still soft. I decided to give up this attempt. I didn't want to use the microwave for as long as 16 minutes or so.
I left them on the kitchen counter, hoping that they would get crisp.
At around 5:30 in the evening, they were still soft. I decided to deep-fry them.
I deep-fried them at 160C for 2 minutes and 40 seconds.
I tasted one. It was tough rather than crisp.
Then, I made potato chips in a usual way.
I deep-fried them at 160C.

At 2:30 after the start of deep-frying, they were still soft.
It took me more than 6 minutes to make them crisp.

I really hated making potato chips in these two ways. I don't want to make potato chips again! Potato chips should be bought, not made!

Then, I took these frozen extra-large korokke out of the freezer, which had been made by my wife the other day.
They were so big that they were not fully covered with the oil. I was afraid that I might get "punctures", so I increased the temperature setting from 160C to 180C, and poured some additional oil little by little.
Six minutes passed.
I gave up! I took them out of the fryer, wrap them in aluminum foil, and heated them in the toaster oven for 3 minutes.
The last two ones.
6-minute deep-frying. I got one puncture in one.
Again, I wrapped them in aluminum foil. and heated them in the toaster oven.
The oil was now contaminated with starch...
My portion.
I also simmered atsu age. This was the last piece, which I had after washing the dishes.
(I like atsu age, while the rest of my family don't.)


  1. How unfortunate...I said it would take (lots of) time to prepare the chips in the microwave, anyhow I think the variety of potato makes a huge difference too, that and using some oil. Totally understandable you are fed up with homemade chips.

  2. Kiki: Now I share your frustration about that recipe that just doesn't work. That recipe is not alone.

    Check these recipes out:
    2 potatoes, 900 W microwave, 2 minutes!
    500 W, 5-8 minutes
    1 potato, 500 W, 5-6 minutes

    As for oil, I thought that applying oil would slow down the drying.

    (While I hated those very oily, hard, and partially scorched potato chips, my two children said they were tasty.)

  3. Sorry to hear you haven't managed chips... I onder how they do it in factories... Maybe they soak them first to remove starch??? Hmmm... It remains a mystery.
    I didn't know korokke could be frozen!

  4. Sissi: Maybe I should have removed starch, like some recipes tell you to.

    According to How It's Made, 1-minute washing in water and 3-minute frying at 375F (191C) in a factory.

  5. Remove starch: the step where I padded each potato slice dry with a paper towel - I guess. Soaking in water: I will prepare another batch next weekend and try to adjust a few steps. Today we had 30 degree Cesius outside and I am so not fond of the idea to heat up a wok (laugh).
