July 16, 2014

I Hate BBQing!/バーベキューは嫌い!

I'll be brief. I HATE BBQING! OK, I'd like it when someone offered me some BBQ food, but I really, really hate bbqing myself!


  1. You hate it? I simply love BBQ-ing. It is a science on its own. I love to make different rubs, marinate the meat or fish, prepare smoker chips. Light up the charcoal, decide when is the perfect time and temperature to put the meat on, to add charcoal. Sadly it is hard to find a date to properly gether all friends to prepare 2.5 kg pulled pork and some ribs. It is one of my dreams to paricipate in a huge BBQ event in the US.

  2. Kiki: I really do! You will get smoky, you will get wet with your sweat, you will eat overcooked meat and vegetables, and you will tend to overeat! You will need a lot of preparations, and you will need to do a lot of cleaning afterwards!

  3. I can totally understand why you would hate it. In Japan most people would have to haul all the food and drinks and utensils to some park, usually crowded. In the meantime you have to make sure to keep the raw food cold so you have to haul out the big cooler. The fire pit is out in the open under hot sun with air temperature of 30+ degrees. Afterwards you have to collect all the dirty utensils and clean up! Most people here can accommodate a BBQ at home so we have to convenience of Barbecuing in comfort! However, if you want to BBQ in a park or go camping then it will be the same scenario as yours! 大変ですよね!笑!

  4. okasan: Thank you for your kind words, but I must tell you that we did bbqing just in front of our house (laugh) to watch the fireworks!
