October 16, 2014

Mushroom Workshop, Part 2/きのこ講習会、パート2

First of all, here is a list (all in Japanese) of mushroom workshops held in Niigata prefecture.


These mushrooms were gathered by either the lecturer (and his assistants?) or participants.

Left: A species in Cortinariaceae, inedible
Right: Masutake (Laetiporus sulphureus), edible, inedible
左: フウセンタケの仲間、不可食
右: マスタケ、可食、不可食
Masutake is edible only when young.

Left: Hotei shimeji (Clitocybe clavipes), edible, but CANNOT BE HAD WITH ALCOHOL
Right: Nameko (Pholiota nameko), edible
左: ホテイシメジ、可食だが、アルコールと一緒には食べれない。
右: ナメコ、可食
Avoid having hoteishimeji 24 hours before and after having alcohol.

Left: Kuritake (Hypholoma sublateritium), edible
Right: Ezo haritake, edible
左: クリタケ
右: エゾハリタケ、可食
As mentioned in the Wikipedia page linked to above, kuritake is considered inedible or even poisonous in Europe.

Top left: Hatsutake (Lasctarius hatsudake), edible
Top right: Sugiedatake (Strobilurus ohshimae), edible
Bottom left: Murasaki houkitake, edible
Bottom right: Shiro kikurage (Tremella fuciformis), edible
左上: ハツタケ、可食
右上: スギエダタケ、可食
左下: ムラサキホウキタケ、可食
右下: シロキクラゲ、可食
Top left: Suppontake (Phallus impudicus), edible
Bottom left: Mukitake (Panellus serotinus), edible
Bottom right: Chaname tsumu take (Pholiota lubrica), edible
左下: ムキタケ、可食
右下: チャナメツムタケ、可食
Caution: Mukitake looks like tsukiyotake (poisonous), and
chaname tsumu take looks like kakishimeji (poisonous).
注意: ムキタケはツキヨタケ(毒)に、チャナメツムタケ(毒)はカキシメジに似ています。

Center: Murasaki shimeji (Clitocybe nuda), edible
Bottom right: Saketsuba take (Stropharia rugosoannulata), edible
中央: ムラサキシメジ、可食
右下: サケツバタケ、可食
Edible when young. Soft ones that have a hole at the top center are no longer edible. Edible ones are firm, and white inside. Ones that are gray or brown inside are no longer edible.

Hatake shimeji (Lyophyllum decastes), edible
Left: Naratake (Armillaria mellea), edible
Right: Momitake (Catathelasma ventricosum), edible
Left: Oshiroitake (Tyromyces chioneus), edible
Right: Yamabushitake (Hericium erinaceus), edible
Dokusasako (Clitocybe acromelalga)

POISONOUS! The sheet of paper says that there was a poisoning case in Ojiya city (Niigata prefecture) last year. Take a close look at these photos and never pick them.
When young, it looks like naratake (honey mushroom).
Tamashiro onitake (Amanita abrupta)

Sugihira take (Pleurocybella porrigens), poisonous
Has been consumed for centuries, but is now considered poisonous. (Some people still eat it.)

Sakura take (Mycena pura), poisonous
Aka kabairo take (Russura compacta), poisonous
Is it really poisonous?

Dokubeni take (Russula emetica), poisonous
Kotamago tengu take (Amanita citrina var. citrina), very poisonous
Benitengu take (Amanita muscaria), poisonous
Oo warai take (Gymnopilus junonius), poisonous
Sugitake (Pholiota squarrosa), poisonous
Used to be thought edible, but is now considered poisonous.

Nigakuri take (Hypholoma fasciculare), very poisonous
Tsukiyotake (Omphalotus japonicus, Omphalotus guepiniformis), poisonous
How can the lecturer identify such small mushrooms?

Lecturer giving a lecture on mushrooms

I'm really glad I participated in the workshop. I have learned a great deal! I encourage anyone wishing to gather wild mushrooms to participate in such a workshop.


  1. what a fun workshop!!!
    i love this kind of foraging class....

  2. dentisttvschef: Yes, it's fun! But, you have to learn a lot to make sure you pick only edible mushrooms!

  3. This is a great deal of info on mushrooms. You are going to be an authority on mushrooms...!! Mushrooms, the edible ones are really nutritious and tasty. I need to look for some edible ones here..

  4. I see some black powder like substance on poisonous mushrooms. Is that right ? I see it here also. Is that an indication of a poisonous mushroom ?

  5. seeandoh: I have no idea what poisonous mushrooms look like in your country/area, but I don't see any black powder on poisonous mushrooms in Japan. It is necessary to memorize poisonous mushrooms one by one.

  6. I would love to learn how to forage for mushroom, since I see them all the time when I'm hiking and I love the taste of wild mushroom. I'm just afraid I'll poison myself by mis-identifying the mushroom. I should probably just leave this to the experts.........

  7. Mycena pura has a really funny name in the german language: the radish helmet thingy (most of the time our mushrooms have funny names). It is considered slightly poisonous - poisonous as in hallucinogenic / magic mushroom. But most of the time the muscarin content is very very low, so the mushroom is not really poisonous at all.
    This looks like a fun event. We have the same kind of events here: People going mushroom hunting in a mushroom loaded forest and meadow area accompanied by some experts. Afterwards they will analyse their harvest. I missed it last month: it took place on a nasty cold rainy saturday starting a 9:00 am. Decided to stay at home.

  8. Yubun: Well, I guess you can gather all the mushrooms you can find and bring them to an expert for inspection. By continuing to do that, you can learn about mushrooms little by little.

  9. Kiki: I understand that Germans love mushrooms. Funny names reflect your love for them?

    What I have learned about the toxicity of mushrooms is that the tendency is to be on the safe side. Some of the mushrooms that used to be thought edible have now been considered inedible or poisonous. Sugitake is one such example.

    As for the weather, we were lucky; typhoon No. 19 had no impact on the workshop.

  10. I wish we had the same here. I have never heard of such workshops.
    In France, the law states that every pharmacist must (for free!) analyse a client's mushroom basket if the clients have doubts. I know someone who lives in an area with lots of forests and people come quite often.
    Pharmacists not only are trained during their studies, but of course the have big mushroom guides, so the person leaves always the basket for several hours and then comes back. The pharmacist I know says that whenever he has a slightest doubt, he throws out the uncertain mushrooms (otherwise it would be dangerous to give them back). I wish such a thing existed in every country!

  11. Sissi: Yes, I remember you commenting about pharmacists giving free mushroom identification service. I wish such a system existed in Japan! (laugh)

    Niigata prefecture is very enthusiastic in organizing such workshops probably because the number of mushroom poisoning cases here is among the top every season.

  12. Sorry for repeating myself... I'm getting old ;-)

  13. Wow, I wish I could have gone to such a workshop too! And Sissi, how wonderful that the pharmacists in France can help you identify mushrooms! Here in California the drought has been so bad that I don't think there will be many mushrooms at all this year :(

  14. Yangsze: In Japan, hokenjo (public health centers) offer a similar service free of charge.
