October 30, 2014

Poor Man's Matsutake/貧乏人のマツタケ

As part of supper tonight, I made foil yaki with eryngii mushrooms plus one bag of "Matsutake no aji osuimono". The recipe is the same as that described in the October 29, 2014 post, except that I used lemon juice instead of kabosu juice.
今日の夕飯には、エリンギと「松茸の味 お吸いもの」を一袋を使ってホイル焼きを作りました。レシピは2014/10/29の記事で説明したレシピと同じですが、カボスの代わりにレモン果汁を使いました。
Note that I sprinkled the Matsutake no aji osuimono after heating the eryngii in the toaster oven for 10 minutes. The resulting dish was much more delicious and satisfying than the foil yaki with matsutake lookalike (oushuu matsutake).
松茸の味 お吸いものはエリンギをオーブントースターで10分加熱してから、振り掛けました。できた料理は、マツタケに似たきのこ(欧州松茸)で作ったホイル焼きよりずっと美味しく、満足できるものでした。

Note also that I told my family to close their eyes and have it, thinking, "This is matsutake foil yaki!"

As you can see, a fake one can sometimes be a better substitute for the real one (laugh).


  1. Miracles delivered and done by food industry (laugh). Reminds me on strawberry yoghurt taste testing done with lots of children some time ago. Surprisingly the children did not like to eat the yoghurt prepared with plain yoghurt, sugar and fresh strawberries. They all prefered the yoghurt sold in shops delivered by food industry: very small preserved fruit base, semi-artifical, artifical flavors, sugar.

    Besides: dried and pulverized mushrooms add a lot of deep mushroom flavor to dishes. Quite often mushrooms taste better when dried.

  2. This is what industrial palate "education" does to tastebuds...
    I agree with Kiki about mushrooms. Sometimes when I have the cheap button mushrooms a bit old and wilted in the fridge, I dry them in the oven and then added to soups they somehow have more aroma!
    On the other hand I much prefer dried mushrooms from the boletus genus, apart from the exquisite cep of course, because they easily get mushy when cooked. They have such an enticing aroma when dried...
    It's funny, I have just bought some eringi too.
    I had them yesterday in chawan mushi, but I grilled them beforehand and it was a perfect decision. (As you see I live on my simplified versions of chawan mushi recently... I am addicted).

  3. Kiki and sissi: I agree with you two about drying mushrooms. Here's another technique: freezing. I often put enoki and other mushrooms in the freezer rather than the vegetable compartment of the fridge. When cooking, you can get more "dashi" from the frozen mushrooms because the cell walls are easily broken.

    As for artificial flavors, well, you just can't beat them, can you? They are much more flavorful and intense! I'm a huge fan of instant dashi!
