December 14, 2014

Buri Daikon/ぶり大根

Yesterday, I bought one pack of buri (adult yellowtail) ara (trimmings) for 248 yen. I put them in an I-Wrap bag, measured the weight, and added 1% salt. I rubbed them well, and stored in the partial freezing compartment for later use.

Today, they looked like these:
I grilled them all in the toaster oven for 10 + 5 = 15 minutes in total.
全部、オーブントースターで合計10 + 5 = 15分焼きました。

Note that a common way to prepare buri ara to make buri daikon is to parboil them in boiling water for a very short time. This step is called shimofuri (lit. frosting). I opted for the grilling technique this time instead.

Meanwhile, I peeled two medium-size daikon, cut into 1.5-cm thick rounds, and put them in a large pot. I added 800 ml water and 100 ml each of sake, mirin, and soy sauce. I also added two tsp instant dashi. Note that to make buri daikon, you usually don't add instant dashi (or use dashi). I put the pot to a boil, and simmered for 20 minutes in total.
その間、Mサイズの大根を2本、皮をむき、1.5 cm厚の輪切りにして、大きな鍋に入れました。お水を800 ml、酒、みりん、しょう油を100 mlづつ入れ、また出汁の素も小さじ2杯いれました。ぶり大根を作る時は、出汁の素(または出汁)は普通、使いません。沸騰させ、全部で20分煮ました。  

Water (or dashi), sake, mirin, soy sauce ratio = 8:1:1:1
Buri ara, grilled for 15 minutes.
I simply placed the ara on top of the daikon, simmered for 2-3 minutes, and turned off the gas.
I also boiled some (eight) eggs, and put two of them in the pot for my own consumption.
Note that eggs are not a common ingredient of buri daikon.

My portion:
My son's:
My daughter's portion
When you have buri daikon, you will see that these two ingredients go very well together.

I later had one boiled egg.
Good enough. I will have the other one tomorrow. I'm sure it will be tastier than this one.


  1. We too eat lot of fish here in Kerala. But we generally add coconut milk and make a thick gravy called curry and add spices like chili, turmeric powder, coriander powder etc. to make it spicy.

  2. seeandoh: I understand that Indian cuisine makes heavy uses of species. Japanese cuisine is quite different; it usually uses only five basic seasonings, sugar, salt, vinegar, soy sauce, and miso. Curry made with store-bought curry roux is very, very popular in Japan, though.
