May 30, 2015

Cold-Brewed Coffee/水出しコーヒー

Last night, I made cold-brewed coffee, using the very fine grind. My cold-brewing method is quite similar to my ice-brewing method.

1. Put 40 g of coffee in the PET bottle.
2. コーヒーを40 g、PETボトルに入れます。

2. Pour a small amount of hot water (about 50 ml) over the coffee grounds for blooming. Let sit for 3 minutes (not 30 seconds).
2. お湯を少量(50 ml程度)コーヒーの粉に注ぎ、蒸らします。3分(30秒でなく)放置します。
Sheet that fits in the PET bottle, which I made from a used milk carton.
3. Place the sheet on top of the coffee grounds.
3. コーヒーの粉の上にシートを敷きます。
4. Pour a little over 300 ml of cold water gently, so as not to stir the coffee grounds.
4. 水を300 ml強、コーヒーの粉をかき混ぜないよう優しく注ぎます。

It took only a short time (one hour and a half) for all the water to seep though the coffee grounds.
I had assumed that cold-brewing would take 6 hours or longer, but
when I tasted it, I found it was very strong.

I transferred the resultant coffee to a plastic bottle (left), and poured another 300 ml of cold coffee to make a second brew.
出来たコーヒーをプラスチックの瓶(左)にあけ、また冷水を300 ml注ぎ、二煎目を作りました。

In the meantime, I diluted some of the just made coffee with an equal amount of water and had it. Very good!
The second brew took only one hour.
Obviously, much less strong than the first brew.
I put it in the fridge, and this morning, I microwaved it and had it. Weak yet drinkable.

I have learned a great thing about cold-brewing. Cold-brewing does not necessarily require a long time. One to two hours should be OK.
NOTE: My cold-brewing method employs permeation, not infusion (steeping). I can't talk about the infusion method of cold-brewing.
注: 私の水出しの方法は、浸漬(しんし)法ではなく、透過法を使っています。浸漬法の水出しについては語れません。


  1. Cold brewed coffee seems to be the latest trend. It is now available at Starbucks in Germany too. Never had something like this before - only in Tokyo.

  2. Kiki: Oh, really? But I suppose they employ an infusion method, not a permeation method like mine. I have checked a number of of cold-brew methods on YouTube, almost all of which employ an infusion method (just mix coffee grounds with cold water, let sit for several hours, and strain). Cold-brewed coffee made with a permeation method like mine is quite different in flavor and clarity.

    Believe it or not, cold-brewed coffee made with a permeation method (brewing with a drops of water over a long period of time) is called "Dutch coffee" in Japan.

  3. OK, I am going to try your method - therefor I will have to use my wooden hand mill to finely ground some coffee beans (what a pain..). Wonder if will taste as good as the cold brew I had in Japan.

  4. Kiki: No pain, no gain. You will be rewarded with very strong, very clear, very tasty, and less acidic coffee, and you will feel glad you did.
    I would suggest trying ice-brewing instead because then the grind size would be less critical. A key to success is to bloom the coffee grounds with hot water first, so that the good stuff in the coffee grounds can be easily extracted.

  5. Kiki: One more thing: Never try to stir the coffee grounds, or you will get the bad stuff in your coffee. I'm sure you will have the best-tasting coffee you've ever had!

  6. Yeah, early this morning I decided on ice cubes because they seem to do their job just fine: 1 drip / 1 second (more or less). Looking good - maybe 1 more hour to go.
