December 29, 2015

Making Konnyaku from a Konnyaku Potato (Corm)/こんにゃく芋(球茎)からこんにゃくを作る

Making konnyaku from a konnyaku potato (corm) is time-consuming, but you will find it rewarding if you like konnyaku.

500 g konnyaku  potato (corm)
1,500 g water (3 times the weight of the konnyaku potato)

10 g anhydrous sodium carbonate (2% of the weight of the konnyaku potato)
125 g water at 50-70 degress C (1/4 of the weight of the konnyaku potato)

You will need:
A pair of rubber gloves (I used two plastic bags and a wooden spatula.)
A large pot (preferably enameled) or a big mixing bowl
A large pot
A blender
A container used to dissolve sodium carbonate
Thermometer (optional)
こんにゃく芋(球茎) 500 g
水 1,500 g(こんにゃく芋の重さの3倍)

無水炭酸ナトリウム 10 g(こんにゃく芋の重さの2%)
摂氏50~70度のお湯125 g(こんにゃく芋の重さの1/4)


Konnyaku potato given to me by my father:

Quite large, almost 1 kg.
1. Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from getting itchy from the calcium oxalate contained in the potato.
2. Cut the potato into manageable sizes. Remove the pink sprout (which is bitter).
1. ゴム手袋をして、こんにゃく芋に含まれるシュウ酸カルシウムで手がかゆくなるのを防ぎます。
2. こんにゃく芋を適当な大きさに切ります。ピンクの芽(苦い)は取り除きます。
3. Put them in a pot of water. Bring to a boil, and simmer for about 20 minutes until soft.
3. 水の入った鍋に入れ、沸騰させ、20分程度、柔らかくなるまで煮ます。
I don't know why, but it took me more than 30 minutes to cook them until soft.
4. Drain.
4. 水を切ります。
5. Peel by hand or a knife. At this point, you don't have to wear rubber gloves.
5. 手や包丁で皮を剥きます。ここでは、ゴム手袋をする必要はありません。
6. Process them in a blender in three parts, using 400 g of water each time (400 g x 3 = 1,200 g in total), and transfer the contents of the blender to a large pot (preferably enameled). 
6. ミキサーで3回に分けて、各回、水を400 g使って、ミキサーにかけ(全部で400 g x 3 = 1,200 g)、ミキサーの中身を大きな鍋(できればホーロー)に移します。 
7. Use the remaining (1,500 - 1,200 = 300 g) water to clean the inside of the blender, and add the water to the pot.
8. Stir the contents of the pot well, with a spatula.
7. 残りの水(1,500 - 1,200 = 300 g)を使って、ミキサーの内部をきれいにし、その水を鍋に入れます。
8. 鍋の中身を、へらでよく混ぜます。

9. Measure out 10 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate, and dissolve it in 125 g of water at 50-70 degrees C.
9. 無水炭酸ナトリウムを10 g量り、50~70度のお湯125 gに溶かします。
Note: The hotter the water solution, the faster the chemical reaction. The water solution should be in the 50-70 degree range.
注: 水溶液が温かい程、化学反応が速くなります。水溶液の温度は50~70度の範囲にします。

10. Make sure that the contents of the pot is cool enough (< 30 degrees C).
(I didn't wear gloves but used a wooden spatula.)
12. Add the water solution to the pot, and mix well with your hands.
(I used a wooden spatula.)
10. 鍋の中身の温度が十分低い(30度以下)であることを確認します。
11. ゴム手袋をします。
12. 水溶液を鍋に入れ、手でよく混ぜます。
13. Let sit for 20 minutes or so. (You may want to transfer the contents of the pot to a tupperware container or something, if you want to make rectangular konnnyaku.)
In the meantime, put a large amount of water in a large pot, and bring to a boil.
13. 20分程放置します(長方形のこんにゃくを作りたいなら、鍋の中身をタッパーなどの容器に移して下さい)。

14. Turn down the gas. Using a ladle (or hands with rubber gloves on), put the contents of the pot in the pot of boiling water.
14. 火を弱めます。お玉(またはゴム手袋をした手で)、鍋の中身を、沸騰水の鍋に入れます。
15. Simmer for about 20 minutes.
15. 20分程煮ます。
16. Done!
16. 完成!

Store them in a pot/container of cold water. They can keep for 15 days to 1 months at room temperature.

When you cut one block in half, you will see that it has a lot of air bubbles in it.

One characteristic of home-made konnyaku. When you cook it, you will see that it can absorb the broth more quickly than the store-bought kind.
This particular konnyaku, which I have made today, is less chewy than the store-bought kind, and I think it can also be eaten as sashimi konnyaku.

I'll add some notes later.

Edited to add the following on Dec. 30:

1. Two types of recipes
Recipes for making konnyaku from a konnyaku corm are largely divided into the grate first and then simmer type and the simmer first and then grate type. I think that the latter type is easier to follow.
2. Corm-to-water ratio
Recipes range from a ratio of 1:3 to 1:5.
3. Coagulant
Use sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) as coagulant.
I used anhydrous sodium carbonate, given to me by my father. The bag of the product says, 精製ソーダ, seisei soda, lit. refined soda. Anyway, when purchasing, be sure to specify that you want to make konnyaku with it, and purchase an edible grade product.
The amount of sodium carbonate to use is 2 to 5% of the konnnyaku corm, depending on the recipe.

You cannot use NaHCO3 (sodium hydrogen carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda) because it is not alkaline enough.
Some recipes, however, uses baking soda, like this one:
Someone says here (Japanese only) that you can make sodium carbonate by dissolving baking soda in boiling water and successfully makes konnyaku.
Someone else claims that you can make sodium carbonate by heating baking soda in a frying pan (Japanese only)
2NaHCO3→Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O
From this formula, you can use 168 g of baking soda to make 106 g of sodium carbonate.

You can also use calcium hydroxide (slaked lime), but because of its higher alkalinity, you should use less than sodium carbonate. One source suggests 1.5 to 2.5 % of the weight of the konnyaku corm. You also have to be more careful when adding the water solution to the konnyaku paste because the chemical reaction will be faster, possibly causing the paste to be lumpy if you do not mix it quickly enough.
Be careful not to get it into your eyes. This is also true if you use sodium carbonate.


1. 2種類の方法
2. こんにゃく芋と水の割合
3. 凝固剤

2NaHCO3→Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O
この式から、重そう168 gを使って、106 gの炭酸ナトリウムができるそうです。



  1. This was fascinating! It is quite a process, but I bet the homemade konnyaku was delicious. I just bought konnyaku to try to make open for the first time. I hope it goes well.

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

    Best wishes,
    Erin from California

  2. PS Sorry - meant to say oden! My computer did a strange auto-correct.

  3. ErinBear: The difference in texture from the store-bought kind is obvious, but I think the store-bought ones are good enough. Enjoy your very first oden!

  4. 少し遅くなりましたが。。。。明けましておめでとうございます!今年もよろしくお願いします!ひろゆきさんとご家族にとって楽しくて幸せいっぱいの一年になりますように。もっと美味しい料理を待ってます!

  5. okasan: あけましておめでとうございます!こちらこそよろしくお願いします!
