December 12, 2015

Some Notes on Koji and Amazake/麹や甘酒に関して少し

Here are some notes on koji and amazake:

Notes on koji:
1. In Japan, koji is available in two types, fresh and dried. The former has a higher potency (is more capable of turning starch into sugar) than the latter, but requires refrigeration (< 10 degrees C), and can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 weeks and in the freezer for up to 3 months. The latter does not require refrigeration, and can be stored at room temperature.
Both types can be used to make amazake. Some recipes say to soak dried koji in hot water to soften or use more water than with fresh koji.
2. It's not the kojikin (Aspergillus oryzae) but the enzymes produced by it that make amazake. At and above 50 degrees C, kojikin cannot survive.
1. 日本では、麹には、生麹(なまこうじ)と乾燥麹(かんそうこうじ)の二種類があります。前者のほうが力価(りきか。つまり、でんぷんを糖類に変える力)が後者より高いですが、冷蔵(摂氏10度以下)が必要です。冷蔵庫では3週間、冷凍庫では3ヶ月保存できます。後者は冷蔵不要で、室温で保存できます。
2. 甘酒を作るのは麹菌ではなく、麹菌が作る酵素です。摂氏50度以上では、麹菌は生きていけません。

Notes on amazake:
1. To make amazake, you must keep the koji and water (and cooked rice) mixture in the temperature range of 55-60 degrees C for 2 to 12 hours, depending on the koji, cooked rice, and water ratio, the method to use to keep the temperature, and other factors.
One recipe says to keep 400 g of fresh koji and 1 liter of water (and no cooked rice) at 60 degrees C for only two hours.
2. Avoid heating the mixture to 65 degrees C or higher because this deactivates the enzymes. Once deactivated, the enzymes will never be activated again when the mixture is lowered in temperature.
3. Once you have made amazake, you have two options: simply keeping it in the fridge and using it up in, say, 7-10 days; and reheating it above 65 degrees C to deactivate the enzymes.
Considering the fact that amazake contains more than 100 types of enzyme, including amylase and protease, I would suggest not reheating amazake.
4. Amazake contains glucose, vitamins B1, B2, and B6, and essential amino acids, among others.
5. According to one source, limit the daily consumption of amazake to 200 ml.
6. Finally, amazake made from sake kasu (lees) is also healthy, and contains less carbohydrate and more vitamins and protein than amazake made from koji, according to one site.
1. 甘酒を作るには、麹とお湯(とご飯)を混ぜたものを2~10時間程度(麹、ご飯、お湯の割合や温度を保つための方法などにより異なる)摂氏55~60度の温度範囲に保つ必要があります。
例えば、生麹を400 g、お湯を1リットル(ご飯なし)を摂氏60度に、わずか2時間保つだけ、というレシピもあります。
2. 摂氏65度以上に加熱するのは止めて下さい。でないと、酵素が死活します。一旦死活すると、温度が下がっても活性化することはありません。
3. 甘酒ができたら、そのまま冷蔵庫に保存し、7~10日程度で飲み切るか、摂氏65度以上に加熱して、酵素を死活させて下さい。
4. 甘酒には、ブドウ糖、ビタミンB1、B2、B6、必須アミノ酸などが含まれます。
5. 或るサイトでは、甘酒の一日の摂取量は200 mlに抑えたほうがいいそうです。
6. 最後に、酒粕で作る甘酒も健康に良く、或るサイトによれば、麹で作る甘酒より炭水化物は少なく、ビタミンやタンパク質は多いそうです。

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