July 12, 2016

Asparagus Rolled in Pork, Fried with Ponzu/アスパラガスの豚肉巻、ポン酢焼き

As part of supper tonight, my wife made some asparagus rolled in pork, using just two or three asparagus spears. She used to season such rolls with soy sauce and mirin, but one day this spring, she used ponzu instead. My daughter got hooked on them, and my wife has kept making them since them.
Other dishes. We keep receiving summer vegetables from relatives. Since my son left home this spring, our supper has become simple and humble.


  1. Hiroyuki-san, you're so lucky to receive fresh fruits and vegetables from your relatives! I have to go to the supermarket to buy my produce and unfortunately the produce is not always fresh. Regarding your simple and humble meals, I am of the belief that "Simple is best".

  2. Anonymous: Yes, simple is best!

    Come to think of it, our supper has always been simple and humble, with or without my son.

  3. Your dinner looks so delicious to me! Simple foods are my favorites. I agree, I think they are the best.

    Take care,
    Erin from California

  4. ErinBear:
    That makes three of us. But, tonight, I'm going to get a special dinner just for myself, because we have a local festival on three days, starting today.

  5. Those dishes look simple indeed. Is that Okra in one bowl ? Vegetables especially Organic and local is very healthy indeed.

  6. You still got asparagus? Lucky for you. Here the season is over - sadly.

  7. seeandoh: Yes, boiled okra. We simply have it with ponzu. Next to the okra is boild malabar spinach. We still haven't gotten any mulukhiyah.

    Kiki: How have you been? Still busy?

    The season is almost over. I check the plants almost every morning, but have found only one or two spears since I got the ones my wife used to make those rolls.

  8. These rolls look delicious! So similar to those I posted several years ago (http://www.withaglass.com/?p=9814) and of course to those I now make with streaky smoked bacon. I wish I could grow asparagus...

  9. Sissi: Thanks for the link. I have totally forgotten you also made a pork version, as well as the bacon version (which you posted about recently)! Simply replace teriyaki sauce with ponzu, and you will be amazed to see how it tastes!

  10. I have so much to do right now because I got several new projects so I am not at home that often. Not much home cooking going on just curries and pasta and quick stir-fries. My latest cooking project was home brewed root beer. The first batch was great, the second batch went wrong and a porcelain bottle cap smashed my kitchen glass cabinet. I didn't dare to post the recipe. But the ginger bug I made would be the best thing ever for your ume soda. Just google for ginger bug. You feed fresh ginger mash with sugar for a few days, use the liquid to start carbonization of your ume sirup/juice and water solution. This will take up to 5 days.

  11. Kiki:
    Root beer? Good for you! Here in Japan, it's illegal to home-brew alcohol beverages with an alcohol content of 1% or greater, due to the stupid liquor tax law, but ginger bug sounds interesting (of course, I had to google to find out what it is!)
