December 19, 2016

Fuyu Gaki/富有柿

Just wanted to share some photos of fuyu gaki, probably the most popular variety of ama gaki (sweet persimmon) at least in the Kanto area (including Tokyo).
Sweet (but less sweet than sawashi gaki (astringency-removed persimmons) and has seeds in it.
I've been familiar with this variety since childhood. I liked it when I lived in Tokyo, but now, I like sawashi gaki a lot more.


  1. I grew up eating fuyu gaki. My grandparents house has a very large fuyu gaki tree in the back yard and they would send bags of them home with Mom. Towards the end of the season, we'd get kind of tired of them. When my grandparents moved from Sacramento (Northern California) to a suburb of Los Angeles 50 years ago, they brought that tree with them.

    I live 400 miles away now, but Mom still mails me some if I remember to ask. The fuyu gaki in the supermarkets up here are under ripe, very small and are never as good as the ones off of grandma and grandpa's tree.

  2. Cheryl: Wow, how lucky you are!!!
