December 5, 2016

Obitsu Ten, Mirai, JA Kimitsu/JAきみつ 味楽囲(みらい) おびつ店

Today, on my way back home from hospital, I dropped by Obitsu Ten, Mirai, JA Kimitsu.
今日は、病院の帰り道、JAきみつ 味楽囲(みらい) おびつ店に寄ってきました。

On the premises of this farmers' market, ground water pumped up from a depth of 250 m is available for free.

There were more people that I had anticipated, many of whom seemed local people. Local people know where they can get good water!
Some of the items I bought at the farmers' market:
Cans of soy milk, dried shiitake, yose dofu (< tofu), and hana (flower) zushi (< sushi)
Naturally, I got 4 liters of the ground water described above.

Hana zushi (flower sushi) was very beautiful, and tasty, too.


  1. Hello Hiro! I'm a reader from France. I have started reading you a few months ago, though I've never posted any comment.
    From my point of view, Japan seems like a very mysterious country; indeed, I can't speak japanese and I don't know any japanese people, so I have no idea what common daily life is like in Japan. That's why it is a real pleasure to read about your cooking experiences and your family's reactions to it, the way you do shopping, the places you visit, etc.
    I'm going to Japan in April, in order to visit a friend who is currently living in Kyoto. I'm very scared to travel alone in a country where the culture is so different while I can't communicate easily with the locals, but reading your articles helps a lot at puting my mind at rest.
    So, thanks for uploading, and please keep it going :)

  2. Afi:

    Thanks for your comment. Well, I think Japan is as mysterious as your country!

    Welcom to Japan! I hope you will have a wonderful experience in my country.

  3. The Hana Sushi looks beautiful. I guess it can be made with any edible flower like shoe flower, pumpkin flower etc.

  4. seeandoh: Yes, hana zushi is very beatiful and is tastier than I imagined it would be. My father said there were workshops teaching you how to make hana zushi. I hope I can attend such a workshop some day!

  5. Thank you. Now that I re-read my comment, it sounds as if I consider your blog as a generic for blogs about Japanese culture, which isn't true. Actually, what I especially appreciate here is the fact that your articles are written in an absolutely honest way: you talk about your fails, and even document the process by which you are trying to improve the recipes; the photos are not retouched, nor are they taken so that their subject looks better than it actually does.. It gives a very warmer feeling from the cliché of the japanese cuisine (with a result always perfect, aesthetically pure and minimalist, etc.) which in my opinion is somehow frightening.

  6. afi.:
    Thank you again for your comment. Yes, you are a very shrewd observer! That's exactly my style of keeping a blog.
