February 22, 2017


I had planned to make some okonomiyaki for supper to use some of the yam and one of the three packs of small shrimp that were already past their expiration date. Yesterday, I finally got around to doing it.
In a mixing ball, combine:
1/4 head of medium cabbage
2 eggs
1 pack of small shrimp
EDITED TO ADD: I also added 1 tsp instant dashi, and forgot all about it, until chibimoni (see the comment section below) mentioned about dashi.
追記: 出汁の素も小さじ1杯入れましたが、そのことを忘れていました。chibimoniさん(コメント欄参照)が出汁のことを言ってくれたので、思い出しました。
Peel yam.

Grate it.
I need to use up the other two packs pretty soon!

Mix all ingredients, add and mix cake flour first and then water to achieve an appropriate texture. I prefer a light, fluffy texture, which is achieved by more cabbage, more grated yam, and less flour.
材料をすべて混ぜ、 薄力粉をまず入れて混ぜ、次に水を入れて混ぜて、適当な硬さにします。私としては、キャベツ多め、山芋多め、薄力粉少なめにして、軽くてフワフワな食感が好きです。
Put some oil in a frying pan, and add some dough to it. Cover the pan and heat over low heat for around 4 minutes.
4 minutes or so later.
Flip it.
As usual, I used a large plate to flip it: Slide the okonomiyaki onto the plate, and return it to the pan upside down. Heat for another 2-3 minutes, with the lid on, until done.

Chuunou souce (instead of okonomiyaki source), mayonnaise, beni shoga (red vinegared ginger), katsuobushi (dried bonito shavings), and ao nori (a type of seaweed).

Sorry, no photo of the finished product!


  1. I think I can try making this at home.
    Is it ok to skip "yam"?
    Or is it a must item to make the texture fluffier?
    And what's the difference between Chuunou sauce and Okonomiyaki sauce? :)

  2. Chibimoni: Yes, you can skip yam. Or, maybe you may want to use potatoes, tofu, merengue, etc. If you can get enoki mushroom, try this recipe:

    If you can find anything slimy, just give it a try in place of yam.

    Okonomiyaki sauce is sweeter than Chuunou sauce, which is a kind of all-purpose sauce. I myself prefer Chuunou sauce to okonomiyaki sauce.

  3. Looks great, Hiroyuki! I found fresh yamaimo in a Chinese market a while ago, so I gave making okonomiyaki a try. Unfortunately, I found it a little bland - I think it was because I didn't add dashi and baby shrimp to the batter, as I couldn't find it. I was still able to top the okonomiyaki with beni shoga, sauce, mayo, and aonori, though. It seems to me that the shrimp (and maybe dashi, too?) are really necessary to make a good okonomiyaki. What do you think?

  4. I forgot to add - of course I also topped the okonomiyaki with katsuobushi! I found some finely shredded katsuobushi that looked very pretty on top of the okonomiyaki!

  5. Amy: Thanks for reminding me of the dashi! I did add 1 tsp instant dashi to the batter as a "kakushi aji" (hidden flavor), and yes, may recipes call for dashi (either real dashi or instant dashi). Dried shrimp are not an essentail ingredient, although I like to add them myself.

  6. Dear Hiroyuki,

    Is this style of Okonomiyaki more similar to the way it is done in Kansai/Hiroshima or the way it is done in Tokyo?

  7. Khash:

    Well, as you may know, there are no such things as Tokyo-style okonomiyaki. There are only two styles, Osaka and Hiroshima. The okonomiyaki shown here is more like the Osaka style okonomiyaki. The Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki is kind of hard to make at home.


  8. Thank you so much for the explanations and recommendations.
    I'll try making the 3 mushroom okonomiyaki as recommended.
    I know this is like super late but congratulations on your win! :)
    That huge mushrooms on top sure looks delicious!
    And yes...I can find everything listed on the recipe.
    Maybe except for Beni Shoga since there's no Japanese supermarket nearby my area.
    I'll try to find them this weekend. :D

  9. Thanks for clearing that up. I wish you had put a picture of the finished Dish.

    I guess it must have been too delicious to wait and take a picture of ;)

  10. Chibimoni: Thanks to your comment about dashi, I corrected the text of the post.

    You may still find the batter bland, but it's the sauce (and the mayo) and the toppings that make the okomoniyaki delicious!

    Khash: You can find photos of the finished dish in most of the posts about okonomiyaki in my blog, including:

  11. Looks Delicious Hiroyuki-san - it's 2:30am here in the UK and you have made me really hungry!

  12. I have to try this. I can source all the ingredients here. It will be something new for my plate. Okonomiyaki looks like an Omlette or Uthappam here in S. India

  13. seeandoh: All the ingredients?! That't incredible! I hope you find your okonomiyaki delicious!

  14. I find a lot of similarities in Japanese geography, ecosystem here in Kerala, S. India. We have a very green landscape with a long sea coast on one side and with huge areas of Rice Paddy Cultivation, hillside spice plantations including Tea and Coffee. The countryside vegetation includes coconut palms, plantains(banana),vegetables and fruits mostly tropical. There is no snow fall sadly. So we do not have berries, cabbage, lettuce and broccoli etc in the plains. But all these grow well in the hill slopes of our state. Welcome to our State Mr. Hiroyuki and family.

  15. seeandoh: Coffee! Coffee can't grow in Japan!
