April 26, 2017

Yomogi Tempura and Yomogi-Onion-Carrot-Small Shrimp Kakiage/よもぎ天ぷらと、よもぎ、玉ねぎ、にんじん、小えびのかき揚げ

This is the very first time that I have made tempura at my parents' house since I came here last November. I have wanted to serve yomogi tempura to my parents to tell them how tasty it is, but I have refrained from making tempura until today simply because tempura making takes time (30-40 minutes or longer). In the meantime, yomogi by the road have grown tall day by day.

In a mixing bowl, I put some of the yomogi, added some hakurikoko (cake flour) and water. I left out an egg. I aimed for very lightly coated tempura.

I chopped the rest of the yomogi, put it in the mixing bowl, added thinly sliced onion and carrot and dried shrimp.
Then I added one egg, some cake flour, and some water. I adjusted the texture by adding some more water. I aimed for crisp but heavily coated kakiage.

You would be surprised to see that such a small amount of tempura batter results in this amount of kakiage.
I grated some daikon.
My father made home-made soba, using freshly ground buckwheat. Boiling it is my job.
Thick as udon noodles! My father says he failed for two reasons: the buckwheat was too dry and my father has difficulty kneading the dough for twenty minutes.
Anyway, the home-made soba was tasty enough.


  1. Although the soba is thicker, it still looks delicious! Did your parents enjoy the tempura? (It looks great!)

  2. Amy:

    Soba noodles need not be thin to be tasty!

    >Did your parents enjoy the tempura?

    I guess so, because they finished off all the pieces.
