May 13, 2017

Amount of Water Required to Cook Rolled Barley/押麦を炊くのに必要な水の量

It is said that cooking rolled barley requires twice the amount of water. Thus, 1 go (180 ml) of rolled barley requires 2 go (360 ml) of water. However, I simply mix 1.5 go of rice and 0.5 go of germ rolled barley and add the water up to the 2-go level.
押麦を炊くには2倍の量の水が要ると言われています。よって、押麦1合(180 ml)には水が2合(360 ml)要るということです。しかし、私は、お米1.5合と胚芽押麦0.5合を混ぜ、水を2合のレベルまで足すだけです。
I can make good-tasting mugi meshi this way.

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