May 3, 2017

Juwari Soba/十割そば

As opposed to ni-hachi (lit. two-eight, i.e., 20% wheat flour and 80% buckwheat) soba (buckwheat noodle), juwari (lit. ten tenths) soba, made with only buckwheat flour and water,  is very difficult to hand-make.
Recently, I bought a noodle maker for my father. For our very first attempt, we made kishimen (wide, flat wheat flour noodles), using 400 g cake flour and 144 g water (and not salt), which turned out very delicious. For our second attempt, we made juwari soba, using 400 g store-bought buckwheat flour and 
最近、父のためにヌードルメーカーを買いました。初めての挑戦には、きしめん(幅広く、平たい小麦の麺)を、薄力粉400 g、水144 g(塩なし)で作ったのですが、とても美味しくできました。二度目の挑戦には、十割そばを市販のそば粉400 gと、 
the last home-made buckwheat flour (about 95 g).
自家製のそば粉の残り(約95 g)を使って作りました。

I also made kakiage with yomogi (mugwort), onion, carrot, and dried enoki.
I added one egg and some flour first and then
some water to achieve the desired texture.

I set the maker to a kneading time of 8 minutes.

I boiled the noodles for 6 minutes.

Looks very tasty.
Cleaning the noodle maker was rather tough.

I think I'll talk about the noodle maker in a separate post in the near future.

I used 200 ml water, which I added to the machine little by little over the period of three minutes while the kneading was in progress.
水は200 ml使い、こねている間に、少しずつ3分間に渡って加えました。


  1. Someday I will try to make soba too :-) Freshly milled buckwheat tastes just wonderful. The taste reminds me of hazelnuts with a little grassy note. Yummy, I will bake some traditional buckwheat crepes tomorrow.

  2. Kiki: I hope you bake some nice buckwheat crepes and post about them in your blog!

  3. I have the Philips noodle maker too! Here it is sold as a pasta maker and doesn't have quite the same flexibility (I can't program in different kneading times) - but it is still quite amazing. I use it much less now though, than when I first got it :)

  4. Yangsze: In Japan, the Noodle Maker was released in June 2014, and it was sold for around 30,000 yen then. It was sold for a little less than 10,000 yen at the beginning of this year. I got mine for as low as 5,200 yen! Probably this product has failed to attain popularity among the Japanese people, who are very particular about the texture of noodles, except sphaghetti.

    The standard kneading time of the product is 5 minutes, but can be increased to 6, 7, and 8 minutes with the pressing of the button.

    I'm planning to make ramen noodles the next time I use the product. I hope I can get good-tasting noodles!

  5. Yes did it: buckwheat pancakes. Hope you will like such crepes.
