November 8, 2017

Shigefusa Knives/重房の包丁

I recently received these photos, together with a comment, from a happy owner of two Shigefusa knives, a 180 mm kitaeji petty and a 240 mm kasumi gyuto. He or she has given me permission to show the photos here in my blog, so here they are.
最近、重房の包丁2丁(180 mm鍛地ペティと240 mm霞牛刀)の持ち主から、次の写真とコメントを頂きました。このブログに写真を載せる許可を頂いたので、載せます。
"Im so happy with the knives. The fit and finish is of top notch, as most of the shigefusa knives are. Can't wait to put them in action."

240 mm kasumi with a saya:
240 mm霞と鞘:
Petty and gyuto:


  1. Reminds me. I want to visit the knife store in Tokyo again. I am still very satisfied with the knife I once bought there. Once in a while I use my wet stones to give it a nice honed edge and it works wonder.

  2. Kiki: You mean you have another plan to visit Japan?! Maybe you want to buy some nice whetstone fixer or a diamond whetstone to make sure your whetstones are flat. And, some camellia oil, too.

  3. Hello Sir,

    I stumbled across your site initially looking for Japanese safety (Salmonella) guidelines on onsen eggs. Then I have a good read on your blog. Thanks for sharing your experiences and look forward to your future posts! Arigato!

  4. 胡安: Thank you for your comment.

    As you may know, the eggs in Japan are safe to eat raw because of high standards of sanitation, and there are hardly any cases of salmonella due to consuming raw eggs.

  5. Where is a good place to get camellia oil in Japan? I should get some on my next trip.

  6. okasan: Actually, there are at least two types of camellia oil (tsubaki abura in Japanese), one for hair treatment and the other for tool maintenance.
    I think the former type is available from department stores, surpermarkets, and drug stores, for example. Oshima tsubaki 大島椿 is a very popular brand.
    I think the latter type is available from hardware stores, stores that carry carpenter tools, and stores that carry kitchen knives, for examples.

  7. I know Camellia oil but only for hair treatment - it is really good for long hair. I always use Ballistol for my knifes - the annoying smell disappears quite quickly and it is edible. I am planning to visit Japan again because my friend kindly asked me to visit her in Tokyo. I would also like to visit some more places in the south.

  8. Kiki: Good for you! I hope you enjoy your second trip to Japan! But in the south? You mean the west maybe? Anyway I hope you indulge in gastronomic adventures possible only in Japan, like eating natto and whalemeat!!!
