January 21, 2018

Grinding Buckwheat Grains into Flour Using a Coffee Grinder/コーヒーミルで蕎麦の実を粉にする

Here is a description of how to grind buckwheat grains into flour, using a coffee grinder capable of making a grind suitable for espresso.
Coffee grinder
2 large pots
1 coarse sieve
1 #60 mesh sieve
1 bucket
大きな鍋 2つ
粗いふるい 1つ
#60メッシュのふるい 1つ
バケツ 1つ
(Grinder or bucket not shown in the photo)
Buckwheat grains:
Previously put in a mesh bag and cleaned by rubbing
Commercial grade coffee grinder:
Fuji R-440, "cut type" (not grind type)
1. Set the grinder to the Coarse position. Place one pot under the outlet.
1. ミルを粗い設定にします。出口の下に鍋を1つ置きます。
2. Close the dumper.
2. ダンパーを閉めます。 
3. Put the grains in the hopper.
3. 実をホッパーに入れます。 
4. Turn ON the grinder and open the dumper.
4. ミルの電源を入れ、ダンパーを開けます。 
Contents of the pot:
5. Filter the contents of the pot, using a coarse sieve above the other pot.
5. 粗いふるいをもう一方の鍋の上で使って、鍋の中身をふるいます。
6. Put the husk in the bucket.
6. 殻はバケツに入れます。 
Contents of the second pot:
7. Place the first pot under the outlet of the grinder. Close the dumper again, set the grinder to the Fine position this time, and put the contents of the second pot in the hopper.
7. 最初の鍋をミルの出口の下に置きます。ダンパーを再度閉めて、ミルを今度は細かい設定にして、2番目の鍋の中身をホッパーに入れます。 
8. Turn ON the grinder and open the dumper.
8. ミルの電源を入れ、ダンパーを開けます。 
Here's a short video. Watch out for the loud noise!
Contents of the first pot:
9. Filter the contents of the first pot in several parts, using a #60 mesh sieve.
9. 最初の鍋の中身を何回かに分けて、#60メッシュのふるいでふるいます。
End product:
Portion that remained on the #60 sieve.
Don't just dispose of this portion or the husk. Add them to your compost!
I got 500 + 195 g of buckwheat flour this time.
今回は、蕎麦粉が500 + 195 gできました。 
I should have measured the weight of the buckwheat grains first.

Edited to add some notes:

1. The procedure described above is for making buckwheat flour for use in making soba (buckwheat noodles). A #60 mesh sieve is a standard one for this purpose.
2. I have never used the common, "grind type" of R-440 to make buckwheat flour. I hope to be able to give my grind type a try some day to see if it can grind buckwheat grains fine enough for soba (buckwheat noodles).
1. 上記の手順は、蕎麦切りを作るのに使う蕎麦粉を作るためのものです。この際は、#60メッシュのふるいを使うのが一般的です。
2. 蕎麦粉を作るのに、一般的な「グラインドタイプ」のR-440を使ったことはありません。いつか、自分のグラインドタイプのミルが蕎麦用に細かく挽けるかどうか試したいと思います。

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