May 30, 2015

Cold-Brewed Coffee/水出しコーヒー

Last night, I made cold-brewed coffee, using the very fine grind. My cold-brewing method is quite similar to my ice-brewing method.

1. Put 40 g of coffee in the PET bottle.
2. コーヒーを40 g、PETボトルに入れます。

2. Pour a small amount of hot water (about 50 ml) over the coffee grounds for blooming. Let sit for 3 minutes (not 30 seconds).
2. お湯を少量(50 ml程度)コーヒーの粉に注ぎ、蒸らします。3分(30秒でなく)放置します。
Sheet that fits in the PET bottle, which I made from a used milk carton.
3. Place the sheet on top of the coffee grounds.
3. コーヒーの粉の上にシートを敷きます。
4. Pour a little over 300 ml of cold water gently, so as not to stir the coffee grounds.
4. 水を300 ml強、コーヒーの粉をかき混ぜないよう優しく注ぎます。

It took only a short time (one hour and a half) for all the water to seep though the coffee grounds.
I had assumed that cold-brewing would take 6 hours or longer, but
when I tasted it, I found it was very strong.

I transferred the resultant coffee to a plastic bottle (left), and poured another 300 ml of cold coffee to make a second brew.
出来たコーヒーをプラスチックの瓶(左)にあけ、また冷水を300 ml注ぎ、二煎目を作りました。

In the meantime, I diluted some of the just made coffee with an equal amount of water and had it. Very good!
The second brew took only one hour.
Obviously, much less strong than the first brew.
I put it in the fridge, and this morning, I microwaved it and had it. Weak yet drinkable.

I have learned a great thing about cold-brewing. Cold-brewing does not necessarily require a long time. One to two hours should be OK.
NOTE: My cold-brewing method employs permeation, not infusion (steeping). I can't talk about the infusion method of cold-brewing.
注: 私の水出しの方法は、浸漬(しんし)法ではなく、透過法を使っています。浸漬法の水出しについては語れません。

May 29, 2015

Another Fuji Royal R-440/もう一つのフジローヤルR-440

This week, I got another R-440 (right) at action. The R-440 is available in two types, the regular type and the type capable of making an espresso grind. They cost around 70,000 and 100,000 yen, respectively. I got my secondhand ones for 10,000 and 18,500 yen, respectively.

It's a newer model as I can tell from its dial.

I ground some coffee beans to the finest level.
I'm not going to get an espresso machine anytime soon. I'm going to use this grind to make cold-brew coffee.

May 26, 2015

Shiboridashi Kyusu Set/絞り出し急須のセット

The day before yesterday, I went to the secondhand store I frequent, and found this gem sold for 700 yen. Naturally, I grabbed it.
Yesterday, I washed and dry them all.
A set of five teacups, one yuzamashi (cooling bowl), and one shiboridashi kyusu (lit. squeeze-out teapot) with a lid.

This is the shiboridashi kyusu.
Most teapots of this type do not have a handle.

Before pouring tea from the teapot, you need to place the lid on the top.
You may have difficulty understanding how to use this particular type of teapot. Luckily, I found this useful video on YouTube.
Link to the video/ビデオへのリンク

It's hard NOT to love such a beautiful teapot!

Can't wait to try it out, but I have to buy some very expensive gyokuro tea to do so.

May 16, 2015

Weight Losses during Coffee Roasting/コーヒー焙煎時の重量減

Since I got the commercial coffee grinder, I've been making coffee brewing experiments on a daily basis, spending 20 or 40 g of coffee beans per experiment, which means that my coffee bean consumption has increased significantly.
Today, I have roasted another batch, with a different approach this time. At first, I decided on the desired amount of roasted coffee beans and the desired roast level, 500 g and 15.0%, respectively. This translates into 500/(1 - 0.15) = 588 g of green beans. I decided to measure the weight while roasting. Here are some of the results.
0:00: 588
6:00: 577 (down 1.8%)
9:00, heat turned to high: 566 (down 3.7%)
12:00, 1st crack: 540 (down 8.2%)
15:30, end of roasting: 500 (down 15.0%)

I though I successfully roasted by carefully measuring the weight of the coffee beans, but when I weighed them after cooling, I found they were 491 g, thus 16.5% weight loss.

I will continue to do the same for my subsequent roasting sessions so I can roast coffee at my desired levels accurately.
業務用のコーヒーミルを買ってから、毎日、コーヒー抽出の実験をしています。一回当たり、コーヒー豆を20 gか40 g使っています。というわけで、コーヒー豆の消費量がかなり増えてしまいました。
今日は、また焙煎をしたのですが、今回は別のアプローチで焙煎しました。まず、希望する仕上がりのコーヒー豆の量と希望する焙煎具合を決めます。それぞれ500 g、15%。ということは生豆が500/(1 - 0.15) = 588 g必要です。また、焙煎中に重さを測ることにしました。その結果です。
0:00: 588
6:00: 577 (1.8%減)
9:00, 火を強火に: 566 (3.7%減)
12:00, 1ハゼ: 540 (8.2%減)
15:30, 焙煎終了: 500 (15.0%減)

コーヒー豆の重さを慎重に測ることで、うまく焙煎できたと思ったのですが、冷やした後に測ると、491 gで、重量減は16.5%でした。


Edited to add some photos:
Beans that I used:
Indonesia Mandheling G-1 Honey Elegant

Roasted beans:

Medium roast.

Lukewarm-Brewing Coffee/コーヒーのぬるま湯抽出

I wanted to know what it would be like to brew coffee with lukewarm water rather than hot or cold water. I searched for an answer on the Internet, but in vain. So, I made an experiment.

20 g coarsely ground coffee, in the tea strainer that I used previously
粗挽きのコーヒー20 gを、前に使った茶こしに入れました。
I poured a small amount of hot water from the thermos for blooming.
The water was 80-85 degrees C (176-185 degrees F).

I put on the lid and let it sit for 3 minutes (not 30 seconds).
Then, I poured slightly less than 300 ml water at 41 degrees C (106 degrees F).
次に、摂氏41度(華氏106度)のお湯を300 mlよりちょっと少なく入れました。
I tried to refrain from stirring the coffee grounds as much as possible, like I usually do.
I let it sit for another 3 minutes, with the lid on.
I was surprised to see that the resulting coffee was at 42/108 degrees C/F. My insulated mug retains heat very well!
I transferred to coffee to another mug, leaving the dregs in the initial mug.
I heated the 300-ml coffee in the 800-W microwave for 1 minute. It was now 69/156 degrees C/F.
300 mlのコーヒーを800 Wの電子レンジで1分加熱しました。摂氏/華氏69/156度になりました。
Not bad! In fact, it was much better than I had anticipated. I couldn't tell it from coffee brewed at a higher temperature.

Dregs left in the second mug

To be continued.

May 15, 2015

Kogomi and Kinome/こごみと木の芽

I just don't know how many times I have posted about these two sansai (edible wild plants) here in my blog. I'd hate to make repetitious posts about the same topic, but then again, I just can't resist the temptation to show some photo here, because I love sansai, just like most Japanese. So, here they are.

Kogomi or kogome (young shoots of ostrich fern (fiddleheads)):
こごみ、またはこごめ(ostrich fernの若芽(fiddleheads):

kinome (young shoots of three-leaf akebia):
In other parts of Japan, kinome means young leaves of sansho (Japanese pepper).

Both sansai were boiled for two minutes or so, drained, cooled in cold water, drained again, and had with any of ponzu, mayonnaise, and katsuobushi.

May 12, 2015

Ice-Brewed Coffee/氷出しコーヒー

I have already talked about ice-brewing coffee here in my blog. I wanted to have affogato made with iced-brewed coffee, so I made another experiment.

You will need 40 g finely ground coffee to make 250-300 ml cold-brewed coffee.
Ice-brewing calls for a fine grind.
Making ice-brewed coffee does not mean that you have to have it cold. If you want to have it cold, you may want to use dark roast coffee. I used medium roast coffee because I wanted to have it hot.
You will also need a 900-ml PET bottle, a utility knife, a sheet of paper towel, a rubber band, and a server/carafe. You will also need ice cubes, naturally.
氷出しコーヒーを250~300 ml作るのに細挽きのコーヒーが40 g必要です。
また、900 mlのPETボトル、カッターナイフ、キッチンペーパー1枚、輪ゴム、サーバーが必要です。もちろん、氷も必要です。

1. Cut off the bottom of the PET bottle, with a utility knife. Be careful not to cut yourself with the cut end of the bottle. Cut the paper towel in half, and roll one half appropriately and use it to plug the top of the bottle from inside. Wrap the outside of the top with the other half and fasten it with a rubber band.
1. PETボトルの底をカッターナイフで切り落とします。PETボトルの切り口で怪我をしないよう注意して下さい。キッチンペーパーを半分に切り、一方の半分を適当に丸め、ボトルの上部を内側から塞ぎます。もう半分をボトルの上部の外側に当て、輪ゴムで固定します。

2. Place the bottle in the carafe, upside down.
2. ボトルを逆さにサーバーにセットします。
As you can see, the bottom is cut off.
3. Put coffee grounds in the bottle.
3. コーヒーの粉をボトルに入れます。
4. Pour a small amount of hot water over the grounds to bloom.
4. 少量のお湯をコーヒーの粉の上に注ぎ、蒸らします。
5. You don't have to wait for 3 minutes. Just add enough ice cubes.
5. 3分待つ必要はありません。氷を必要な量だけ入れます。
You may want to cover the bottom with some plastic wrap to keep off dust.
You will have to wait for six hours or so.

When I wake up in the morning, I got 250 ml of cold-brew coffee.
朝起きると、氷出しコーヒーが250 ml出来ていました。
Coffee grounds in the PET bottle:
I wanted to know how much more coffee I could get from the used coffee grounds, so I poured 500 ml of cold water.
コーヒーの粉からどのくらいさらにコーヒーができるか知りたくて、冷水を500 ml注ぎました。

In the meantime, I tasted some of the ice-brewed coffee.
Very, very strong! I diluted it with hot water at a 1 to 2 ratio, and microwaved for about 50 seconds before drinking.

After the ice-brewing, it took more than five hours to get this amount of coffee with cold-brewing.
The bottle was almost clogged with the finely ground coffee.
I microwaved the coffee and drank it. It wasn't good, but I managed to finish it off.

I have to get some ice cream to have affogato!

To be continued.

Edited to add:
So, I had some affogato (ice cream plus cold cold-brewed coffee) today. Of course, you can reheat the coffee before pouring over ice cream.
I thought, "Personally, I'd rather have cold cold-brewed coffee and ice cream separately."