March 12, 2011

Farm Tool Market/農具市

As I mentioned briefly in Farm Tool Market at Ichinomiya Shrine/一宮神社農具市, today, March 12, is a special day for the people in the Shiozawa and other surrounding areas of Uonuma region of Niigata prefecture. I went to the Market today, before noon, feeling slightly guilty, considering all those who suffered from the greatest earthquake in Japanese history, which took place only yesterday.
Farm Tool Market at Ichinomiya Shrine/一宮神社農具市で簡単に述べたように、今日、3月12日は、新潟県の魚沼地方の塩沢及び周辺地域の人たちにとっては特別な日です。今日、昼前にこの市に行って来ました。昨日起きた日本史上最大の地震の被災者の方々を思うと、少し罪悪感を感じましたが。

For more information on this natural peppermint oil, see the March 8, 2011 post.
この天然はっか油に関しては、March 8, 2011の投稿をご参照下さい。

Sorry, but I am a little busy. Or, should I say I'm not in the mood for adding detailed descriptions. Photos only, no text.


  1. It's so good to see you blogging and that you and your family are safe. Your blog has been a wealth of information for me and I've always enjoyed reading it. I hope Japan will recover soon from all that devastation.


  2. Be well, Hiroyuki. To you and your countrymen, I hope you all recover from this awful event as quickly and thoroughly as possible.


  3. I'm glad to see that you had little or no destruction and that your family is well.

    This is such a terrible tragedy and the whole world seems to be willing to help.


  4. Open kitchen (Lyn), Bbq Dude, and Barb (BarbaraY): Thank you all for your comments. My hearts still goes out to the victims of that shocking earthquake.

  5. Good to see you are safe. Wonderful pictures. Stay safe (and warm).

  6. Kelly: Thanks for your kind words, and I hope you hear from your relatives soon.

  7. Hiroyuki, Thank you for thinking of our family. My husband's family is safe. My husband's uncle's family is still missing. It is hard being far away and unable to help. Kelly

  8. Kelly: I hope you hear from the uncle soon. I have a friend who has relatives in Iwaki city, Fukushima prefecture. She said she got a call from them last night, saying they were OK, although they couldn't return to their home.

  9. I am glad to know that your family is safe. Our group (3 chaperons and 13 students) were scheduled to arrive Narita on the 11th at 5:25pm. The quake and tsunami occurred just before we land. We then diverted to Sapporo. Our original plan was to be in Sendai for 3 days of home-stay. If we were to land before the quake the outcome would be unthinkable. The next day Air Canada flew us to Narita. As soon as we landed we heard about the Daiichi plant. With 13 students in tow we decided to come back on standby. We were in Japan for 4 days with 3 days spent in airports! We are glad to be back home safe. Our hearts go out for all the people in the Tohoku area. There are a lot of fund raising events in our city and I will be volunteering trying my best to help! がまん!頑張ってください。

  10. okasan: What a story, and what an experience! I feel both glad and sad to hear your story. I was worried about you because you had mentioned your trip to Japan in March, and your blog hadn't been updated after March 8.

  11. Thanks for thinking about me! Kansuri will have to wait the next time I go to Japan. Since I was in airports most of the time, I did buy a collection of the infamous Kit Kat chocolate bars - ichimi 一味, sakura matcha 桜抹茶, akaimo 紅いも, apple りんご、citrus 柑橘黄金ブレンドand almond tofu 杏仁豆腐 :) Have you tried any?

  12. okasan: I hope the "next time" comes soon!
    I'm not much of a Kit Kat fan, and I didn't know that there were such variations of it! I don't think I have tried any.
