March 13, 2011

Okara Bread/おからパン

It saddens me whenever I turn on the TV; NHK (state run) and all commercial TV stations have kept telling all the details about the recent unprecedented earthquake since it took place two days ago.
But, anyway, life must go on, and I've kept thinking of good uses for okara, and made "okara bread" for lunch today.

200 g "weak" (low-gluten) wheat flour (hakurikiko in Japanese)
200 g home-made "soy-milky" okara
2 tsp baking powder
Small amount of salt

薄力粉 200 g
自家製の、豆乳が入ったおから 200 g
ベーキングパウダー 小さじ2
塩 少々

I mixed all the ingredients (I forgot to add salt!), and added some (about 30 g) water to adjust the texture.
材料を全部混ぜ(塩を入れるのを忘れました!)、水を少し(30 g程度)足して、柔らかさを調整しました。

I divided the dough into two portions, and baked each portion in the toaster oven for 10 minutes.

As you can see, it looks more like naan than bread.

I thought I would have it as Japanese pizza (with some pizza cheese, sesame seeds, katsuobushi (dried bonito shavings), and soy sauce), but my daughter came up to me and said she wanted to have it with retort curry. So did my son.

Second portion:

My children had almost all of them. They said they were good!

Me? I had two slices of store-bought regular bread with leftover tonkatsu.


  1. The photos make it look like what we call a biscuit here in the US.

    If you want something more like bread, you probably need to use a higher gluten flour.

  2. Dheryl: Thanks for your comment. I had a little hesitation in calling mine "bread". More than a decade ago, I used to make such "bread" to make pizza. I should have called my okara bread "okara yaki" or something.

    The site I referred to when making it shows photos of spherical ones.
    (Japanese only)
    The recipe calls for okara and rice flour.

  3. Hi Hiroyuki-san,

    I have been following your blog for awhile and I hope you and your family are doing okay and are safe and sound.

  4. Looking at the photo of the inside of the spherical ones, it does seem very much like an American biscuit. It's the perfect texture for soaking up sauces and gravies.

  5. Hi Hiroyuki,

    Glad to know that you and your family are safe. I am so sad to see the devastation. It's so frightening.

  6. nance and YSC: Thanks for your comments. We are safe, suffered little from the unprecedented quakequake. The real sufferers are still there, even after four days after the quake.

  7. Cheryl: I think the spherical buns are more like scones than bread. The thing is, I was not interested in making bread in the first place, but my intention was to use the okara I had in the freezer. My wife suggested okara cookies or something, but I didn't want to sweeten the okara, so I ended up making the okara bread.

  8. Biscuits in the US are similar to scones in texture, but not sweet.

    I think I'll pass your recipe and that link to the spherical buns along to some of my friends who deal with food allergies. I think both would be useful to them.

  9. Cheryl: Thanks! I have totally forgotten the difference between American and British English in the meaning of buscuit and cookie!!

    I will post about the difference between buscuit, cookie, sable, and cracker in Japanese some day.

    Here is a brief description of how to make the buns:

    10 pieces of okara-and-rice-flour "mochi-mochi" (mochi-like texture) bread

    100 g okara
    70 g rice flour
    2 tsp olive oil
    25 g grated cheese
    Small amount of salt
    80 ml milk
    (No baking powder required)

    Mix all ingredients well, divide into 10 ping-pong ball-like pieces.

    Bake in an oven at in 180-190C for 20-25 min.

  10. Hiroyukisan -

    I am glad to read that you and your family are safe!

  11. Anonymous: Thanks for your comment.

    We still suffer from the aftermath of the unprecedented earthquake.
