June 10, 2011

Dish 5 Inspired by Shinya Shokudo/深夜食堂をヒントに作った料理5

Episode 3, Neko Manma, in Volume 1 (episode 2 of TV drama)
Episode 44, Unagi no tare (sauce for eel), in Volume 4
Master gets unagi no tare from the owner of the unagi ya (restaurant) before he dies, and starts offering "unagi no tare don" at his diner for a limited time only .

I didn't have unagi no tare on hand, so I used these two leftover sauces instead, which had been sitting in the fridge:
Left: Sauce for Japanese-style hamburgers
Right: Sauce for ginger-fried pork
左: 和風ハンバーグのタレ
右: 豚肉の生姜焼きのタレ
Both are basically a 1:1 mixture of soy sauce and mirin. Unagi no tare is similar (usually made from soy sauce, mirin, sugar, and sake).

I reheated the sauces and the rice. You can see a small packet of 3-g shaved katsuobushi.
タレとご飯を温め直しました。削った鰹節3 gの小さな袋も見えます。
Simple, yet very tasty!


  1. Hiroyuki, I adore this simple dish. I have it very often since I saw it on Shinya Shokudo, whenever I have some leftover rice and don't know what to cook very quickly (I love katsuobushi too!).
    I thought it was only with soy sauce... I must try the sauce you mention. It will be even better! I also see the cat on the illustrations. There was no cat in the film. Does it explain the name of the dish?

  2. Hiroさん, is that same between "unagi no tare" and "kabayaki tare"?

    I learned about making kabayaki tare from my traditional Japanese cookbook.
    It using unagi' bones(grilled until dry), boiled in;
    shoyu : mirin : rock sugar
    (100ml : 150ml : 10gr).

  3. sorry, it's "basic Japanese cookbook", not traditional one...
    My bad.

  4. Sissi: I like the 1:1 mixture of soy sauce and mirin as a sauce for nori, too, because soy sauce alone is rather salty for my taste. Another sauce for nori that I like is a combination of salt and sesame oil (to imitate Korean-style pre-seasoned nori).

    A cat appears near the end of the TV drama, just like in the manga, and Master explicitly says, "Neko manma kai?" ("Cat food, isn't it?) near the beginning of both drama and manga.

  5. fred: Yes, the same.

    Another example:
      濃い口醤油: 350cc

  6. wow! Thanks for sharing, I'll keep the ratio.
    Seems nice, but it using a lot of sugar!(笑)

  7. fred:
    Did you read the most important passage?

    For those who can't read Japanese:
    You can make decent tare with merely the same amounts of soy sauce and mirin. Actually, this is the basic tare.
    If you find it's not sweet enough, add sake and sugar little by little while heating, and stop adding when you think it's right.
    Then you can have your own secret tare!

  8. I've read it, but the conclusion just coming back to the ratio given above, isn't it?
    For me, "unagi no tare" itself is not part of my mother cuisine. So, however the taste, however the ingredients ratio, I just using the best preferences... right?(笑)

  9. Hiroyuki, excuse-me, now I remember the cat at the end! Of course! Thank you!
    I always use the 50% less sodium soy sauce. We consume lots of soy sauce, especially my husband puts lots of it, so I thought it's the best idea. However I'll try the mirin and soy sauce mixture.
    I know what Korean nori you talk about. I have bought small nori strips (like snacks) with a sesame flavour. They are a pure delight! (I made a test since everything was 30% off ;-)
